Saturday, December 31, 2011

The LuLac Edition #1882, December 31st, 2011

Jennifer Rogers is sworn in as Judge at a ceremony at the Courthouse on Friday.

WILK's Shadoe Steele.


For the first time in many a moon, the Luzerne County Judiciary is going to be fully staffed. Friday saw the swearing in of 6 new Judges. Mike Vough, Joe Skaroksky Junior, Lesa Gelb, Fred Pierantoni, Richard Hughes and Jennifer Rogers all took the oath of office.
These new Judges will in effect have the opportunity to serve into the middle of this century. The new team joins Tina Polachek Gartley, Bill Amesbury, Dave Lupas and President Judge Tom Burke. We wish them luck and success.


The new District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis was sworn in Friday. There was some confusion as to where and when she was supposed to get the oath. (See what happens when you don’t put Bob Harper on retainer?) Anyway, she’s now the youngest DA in the history of Luzerne County and is making $168,000 a year.


Tom Pribula, the former Finance Director of the County is the interim County Manager. Pribula takes the job while the new County Council works out negotiations with a new County Manager. I don’t know if he applied but Gerald Cross would be an excellent choice. Pribula is getting $2,000 a week, a lap top and cell phone. He was not interviewed or considered for the top job. We wish him luck.


For many years Shadoe Steele was on ‘KRZ FM. Last year the powers that be decided that some character “Romeo” should be on ‘KRZ from 7 to midnight. Steele moved his popular program to WILK AM & FM to huge successes. So the other day I’m watching PA HomePage and I see this pantload manager from Entercom saying that yes indeed Shadoe Steele’s Oldie Show would be broadcasting live from 6 to midnight on all of the Entercom Stations including ‘KRZ. So let me get this straight, Shadoe is back on ‘KRZ for New Year’s Eve? Where or where art thou poor Romeo? On syndication. Shadoe Steele and his program are a local institution. Glad to see the management understand that………at least for a week.


At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few thoughts on Luzernr County in 2012.
1. We as taxpayers, who will be paying the new County Manager, insist on the names of the finalists to be releases immediately! What's the secret here? Public funds used, a public job release the damn names NOW!
2. This system could have been fixed by an election, the 11 person board is foolhardy and the squabbling is evident even now. So 11 egos should be better at building consenus that three, LOL!
These people are on personal ego trips! Bullshit system, won't and shouldn't last.
3. Who ever is hired will work for a year or two and see what a mess Luzerne County politics is and will either resign or be forced out. Tom Pribula the Interim Manager will then come back and be hired full time. In two or three election cycles we will revert back to the former system.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a comic note: Jennifer Rodgers will be a great judge and is a great person, but correct me if I am wrong, but aren't we supposed to raise our RIGHT hand and have the left hand on the bible? That will mean nothing to how honest she will be because she is great, but it is an "oops" moment. Happy New Year!

At 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen and well put. Happy new year.

At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Bluto said...

in reply to 9:15: The "squabbling" can mostly be attributed to the outgoing county commissioners, so...

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salavantis cant get her sworn-in location communicated correctly..ha..foreshadow of whats to come from a clueless DA. Enjoy Luzerne County, lets hope her string pullers run this county right...highest paid shill!


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