Sunday, November 25, 2018

The LuLac Edition #3940, November 25th, 018


Our Maybe I’m Amazed” logo.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that Spike Lee’s father Bill was a renowned acoustic studio musician who played on songs like “Puff The Magic Dragon” by Peter Paul and Mary and was on many Bob Dylan songs. But when Dylan abandoned the acoustics, Lee’s dad stopped working even though the reward would have been great with Dylan.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that George Washington’s fabled teeth were not made out of wood but a combination of gold, ivory and lead.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that the longest one syllable word is screech.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…that Naples, Florida is the 15th richest zip code in America. Beneath the veneer of wealth is some pretty squalid racism though. It is distressing that Naples did not integrate their public school until 12 years after Brown Vs, Education. In 1966. Plus, it should come as no surprise, the city went heavily for Trump in ’16.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that since 2000 more than 100 journalists have been killed in other parts of the world for doing their job.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that new born babies can't cry real tears for at least three weeks.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that the dot over the letter i is called a tittle. It first appeared in Latin manuscripts in the 11th century, to distinguish the letter i from strokes of nearby letters. Although originally a larger mark, it was reduced to a dot when Roman-style typefaces were introduced
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that one of Donald Trump’s advisers has now written a book alleging that there are enemies of old Diaper Don “embedded” in the government. It just gets sillier and sillier and dumber and dumber. But Corey has always a hint of Goebbels in him if you ask me.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..but not really that the next few years will be filled with protests regarding non citizens who are seeking a path to be a U.S. citizen. The issue has been festering since the Republican controlled Congress has not even brought immigration to a vote. We just might be seeing more of these and are wondering if the tough guy stance of the current administration will stand the scrutiny of thinking voters.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that over Thanksgiving, the President was still whining for his wall. Immigration is down, undocumented individuals are scared to death while they work and live in this country and he’s  thinking the biggest threat is from Mexico and places like Honduras. Meanwhile he defends the Saudis and took the lid off of Iran by gutting the Arms Agreement.
Smart guy………….not.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that your eye expands up to 45% when looking at something that s pleasing.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….but certainly shouldn’t be surprised that Long Island is the…..wait for it now…the longest island in the Continental United States. 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED.....but not that as The Caravan comes to the border, the administration's solution is to shut it down complexity.  So trucks, travel and other commercial goods are tied up, losing money because this group of people has no clue! 
MAYBE I'M AMAZED...........that I'm not that much amazed anymore since January 20th, 2017!


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