Wednesday, September 09, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,397, September 9th, 2020



Our "Write On Wednesday" logo. 

This week we feature a local resident from Kingston who is very unhappy about our President. Her thoughts are valid, factual and downright patriotic. Obviously this person cares about her country and hs reason, like all of us to be concerned.


Editor: When a company fails, when a ship sinks, when a military operation fails, who takes responsibility? The CEO of the company, the captain of the ship, the military officer in charge of the operation — that’s who takes responsibility. Trump is our “leader” but has anyone ever heard him taking responsibility? Instead he blames the previous administration for his failings or the Democrats. Trump said in March regarding COVID-19, he takes “no responsibility at all.” Then who does?

As a leader, one should accept the achievements and failures of their leadership. Trump apparently never learned this — to accept the consequences of his actions.

Maybe Trump should have said to citizens who were suffering from COVID-19 to hang in there so they could vote in November 2020, just has he did when campaigning in 2016.

Linda Wielgosz



At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't you write about anything else? This site used to offer some insight. Now, it's just name calling and you've become just as bad as the people you attack. We know you don't like Trump, and that's OK. Move on.

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The letter writer is a member of Quaon.


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