Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The LuLac Edition #4,718, April 13th, 2022



Our 13 Questions logo.

1.  Wow. The last few editions of LuLac are like the old ones. What lit a fire under your ass?

I’m just trying to keep up.  Fortunately I had the time to seek out sources and craft  longer stories of local interest.  Thanks for the kind words.


2.  Easter is upon us as well as Passover. Any words of wisdom?

How about “Try A Little Kindness”.


3.  Did you  think the Republican Senators on the Judiciary committee were out of line with their questioning of Judge Jackson?

Nope. True to form. The lady lawyer proved she had more brains and stones than all of them.

4. The state Representative races are really heating up and a lot of incumbents have not run again. When was the last time this happened?

2006. Kevin  Blaum, Phyllis Mundy, Tom Tigue and George Hasay retired all at the same time.


5. There is a new baseball season starting. Did you buy any Guardian gear?

Nope but I did get a Guardian sweat shirt for Christmas and it has the generic C on it. I also have an Untuck It shirt with a little Cleveland logo on the bottom of i. 


6.  Okay, you said you had a time limit for WILK hosts. Break any records lately?

Yes on Monday. That was the day President Biden had a news conference to an announcement  that gun kits would be illegal and there had to be serial numbers on them. A WILK numbskull from Freeland called and told Andrews it was Kabuki theatre and that felon who tried to get guns legally could not. (I mean wasn’t that he point?) Then he and Frank started yammering about seeking results and the event  was all a show. But their comments were the usual shit show that is now the norm on the once storied station. I lasted 19 seconds.

These right wing unpatriotic Biden haters can’t have it both ways. You can’t say the Dems are having murders in big cities just because their Dems, (the Mayors have NOTHING to do with sentencing) which those two dopes never mentioned. Then when the Dems do something unlike the impotent GOP they cry and whine anyway. I was back on the LCCC college station which was way more professional and entertaining.

7. How about the endorsement  of Dr. Oz by Trump?

Yeah Dave McCormick was after it but Trump stuck with the TV Doctor who wanted to fire Dr. Fauci. Hope Hicks was  staffer for McCormick, I think Kelly Conway was with Oz. That might have had something to do with it.

8.   When you were on your weight plan, and went to dinner what foods did you avoid?

Virtually none after the 70 day low carb jump start. But I did avoid appetizers that were cheesy and gooey. Like mozzarella sticks that can contain 845 calories. Shakes from McDonald’s that are near 1,000 calories, stuff like that. When I did go over the 2500 calories mark on  given day, I dropped down the next day to even it out.


9. Your thoughts on Vice President Harris?

I think she is doing a good job. This President gives Harris more opportunity’s to be in the public eye than Trump let Pence.

She is a target for the right wing crazies but we all know how they love to smooch the asses of their white men GOP leaders.


10.                  Will you be getting out to any political events for the spring?

Hopefully yes.


11.                  John Lombardo vs James May for the seat in the 118th. What'cha think?

Both have name recognition. Lombardo has been a recent winner, May a two time loser. The Republicans love their primaries.

I think Lombardo will have  big edge coming out of Pittston.

12.                  Did you see the Kern Burns documentary on Ben Franklin?

Yes, loved it.


13.                  How can I send a Write on Wednesday contribution to LuLac?

Send it to me via FB messenger on my David Yonki Facebook page.


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