Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The LuLac Edition #4,787, Auhgust 16h, 2022




Guest post: Dr. Joe Leonardi, former GOP Congressional candidate.


I find it amusing and amazing and astoundingly sad that Trump has co-opted the republican party to the point that, Liz Cheney, who as of this writing, will probably lose her primary.

The Wyoming Congressional Representative has been denounced as a RINO. The lifelong conservative republican is the scion of a family of lifelong conservative republicans. People who served their party and their country for decades, who now because she is following conservative republican ideology in an attempt to root out the truth behind the treasonous insurrection against the United States, an attack on the Congress and the then sitting Vice-president, is not a genuine republican.

Those same people questioning Liz Cheney do not have it in them to look at their “president.”  Well, let us take a moment and look at the political history of the person who has ascended the altar of the Republican Party.

1987 - Trump registered for the first time, at the age of 47, as a Republican.

1999 - Trump joins Independence Party.

2001 - Trump registers as a Democrat.

2009 - Trump again registers Republican Party.

2011 - Trump registers as Nonaffiliated.

2012 - Trump again goes republican


Yet, somehow, Donald Trump, and not Liz Cheney, is the Republican standard bearer. It is Donald Trump who has the unwavering loyalty of those he continues to exploit and manipulate.

If we ever wondered how so many people follow cult leaders without question, some as in Jonestown to their deaths, all we need to do is look at the rabid Trump supporter. Even with presented with raw data, they only see their truth. A truth warped through Trump’s prism of hyperbolic lies.

Who’d have thought, with all the B.S. Trump spews, that when he  claimed, “"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters." That was the one time when he was telling the his most accurate truth.


At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think Jerk Bognet would be on Liz's side since he is running a commercial stating that Matt Cartwright is to much with President Biden.
Heyna or no?


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