Thursday, September 05, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 164, September 5th, 2024






Luzerne County Controller Walter Griffith has recommended to the Study Commission board that it might be a good idea to put the County Manager position on a ballot. Here’s why it is not a good idea.

1.    For years and years, the Commissioner form of government here ruled. This new form of Government is still new. This would be an upheaval to a system where the right person can work out well. All one must see is how beautiful the Courthouse looks and how efficiently things are run.

2.    Despite the best efforts, politics is still part of the equation on County Council.

3.    This popular election of a county manager will deflect from the duties of a sitting County Manager.

4.    This would only exasperate the natural political division that already exists between the two parties. Simple issues would be looked at when governing through the political lens.

5.    While it would ensure continuity for the length of the proposed term, every single decision made by the elected manager, (even the most opaque or bland) might paralyze government. Instead of government decisions being made, political ones would always take center stage

6.    Right now, the County Manager reports to the elected council that represents the 325,000 plus people in the county. While subject to sometimes numbskull decisions from Lyin’ Crying Brian Thornton or former Councilman and current study Commission member Steve “Louisville Slugger” Urban, for the most part a bad decision can be rectified.

7.    Finally, Luzerne County has come out of the scandals of the early part of this century in a pretty good light. The Judiciary has done their part in restoring confidence as well as the County Council.  An election of a county manager might give the MAGA crazies a chance to control local government. It happened with the Republican era of Pribula-Valenti leadership. We will be taking a step back and depending on the risk that Luzerne County voters would vote impartially for good government through bad politics.






When U.S. sanctions are Involved rarely is the American public made aware of it. Take the recent seizure of an airplane used by recently deposed and defeated but still hanging on Nicholos Maduro. For most Americans this information is never know. But this steady work is being done by the Bidem administration. Accomplishments ate sometimes quietly executed and for many there will be an opinion that U.S. sanctions don’t work.

They do and this is the proof.

The U.S. seized a plane belonging to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and brought it to the U.S. on Monday, the Justice Department said in a statement, claiming the jet was exported from Florida in violation of U.S. sanctions.

The plane, identified as a Dassault Falcon 900EX, was seized in the Dominican Republic and transported to Florida, the department said.

"This morning, the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies," Attorney General Merrick Garland said. "The Department will continue to pursue those who violate our sanctions and export controls to prevent them from using American resources to undermine the national security of the United States."

The department said Maduro's associates arranged to purchase the jet from a U.S. company in south Florida for $13 million in late 2022 and early 2023. The plane was shipped to the Caribbean and then to Venezuela, the statement said, in violation of U.S. sanctions and export controls.

Since then, the jet "has flown almost exclusively to and from a military base in Venezuela and has been used for the benefit of Maduro and his representatives, including to transport Maduro on visits to other countries," according to the department. Online flight records show a plane with the matching tail number at airports in China, Cuba and Brazil since 2023.

CNN first reported the seizure of Maduro's plane.

In June, Maduro claimed victory in his presidential reelection campaign, but the U.S. and other countries have said Maduro tampered with the results. Last month, the U.S. recognized Maduro's opponent, Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González, as the winner, rejecting the Venezuelan government's declaration that Maduro had won.

On Monday, a judge issued an arrest warrant for González, 75, at the request of the government as part of a criminal investigation into the results of the disputed election. González, a former diplomat, faces several charges, including conspiracy, falsifying documents and usurpation of powers.

A spokesperson for the National Security Council said the U.S. is "working to ensure that the will of the Venezuelan people, as expressed through the July 28 election, is respected," and called the seizure of the plane "an important step to ensure that Maduro continues to feel the consequences from his misgovernance of Venezuela."  (Stefan Becket, CBS News, LuLac)






At a recent political event in Wilkes-Barre Township, a peaceful protester in her 60s was assaulted when a participant at the event got in her face and tore up her sign, which opposed Rob Bresnahan’s stance on women’s rights.

Bresnahan's continues to use Trump-like tactics, including portraying Vice President Kamala Harris as the "enemy" over her former position on banning fracking, despite Harris having since clarified that she no longer supports a fracking ban.

Recently, the Republican Party of Luzerne County lost leadership control in a hostile takeover by the "Luzerne County Republicans," a far-right faction within the party. This group has already begun employing divisive tactics, reminiscent of Trump’s name-calling, by attacking Matt Cartwright at recent events.

TJ Fitzgerald, the leader of the "Luzerne County Republicans," has been posting racist memes and videos on behalf of the organization.

Additionally, a local individual, who is vocal at County Council meetings, has been spreading conspiracy theories about the 2024 election being "rigged," with one commenter even encouraging violence by suggesting that people should "start shooting."



Kamala Harris is sewing up the foodie vote.

The Democratic presidential nominee is known to frequent an eclectic list of restaurants in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Washington, chatting up the chefs and taking selfies with the kitchen staff. Celebrity chefs are even hosting "Cooking for Kamala" fundraisers.

She cooks like a foodie, too. In videos for her short-lived "Cooking With Kamala" YouTube series during her last run, she made everything from bacon-fried apples to masala dosa, and her casual advice to a reporter about brining a turkey went viral in 2020.

And, like all foodies, she dreams of opening a restaurant. In an old video that recently resurfaced on TikTok, garnering 2 million views, she describes her dream of retiring one day and starting a place that serves only three items each day for appetizer, main entree and dessert.

"Really simple menu, and when the food for those things run out, then 'see you tomorrow,' closed for the day," she said.


Political consultants would advise against displaying this level of familiarity with foodie culture.

Political consultants would advise against displaying this level of familiarity with foodie culture. Democrats, in particular, are sensitive to accusations that they are on the "wine track," being tagged as elitist when they talk about fancy food. Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis suffered for suggesting Iowa farmers grow Belgian endive, while former President Barack Obama was slagged for complaining about the price of arugula at Whole Foods.

But Harris might not just avoid taking a hit for being a foodie but also benefit from it.

For one thing, America is far more foodie than it has been in past elections. The Food Network is one of the most-watched cable channels, while videos of influencers demonstrating different recipes and cooking techniques dominate YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. Celebrity chefs ranging from the workmanlike Bobby Flay to the hyperkinetic Guy Fieri are household names, while the V drama "The Bear" had viewers lusting for both the dishes and the chefs who make them.



U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright represents Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District and was first sworn into Congress in 2013.

His priorities in Congress include strengthening the middle class, creating jobs, ensuring quality health care, protecting seniors, and supporting veterans and military families. A strong believer in working with members of both political parties, he has introduced more bills with Democratic and Republican support than any other House Democrat since he was first elected. As a result, he was named one of the most effective House Democrats by the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking and a "Bipartisan Champion" by the Common Ground Committee. So far, Rep. Cartwright has succeeded in authoring and passing 16 substantive bills into law, signed and enacted by the last three Presidents.

A senior member of the powerful House Committee on Appropriations, Rep. Cartwright serves as the Ranking Member of the Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee and the second-highest Democrat on the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee. This presents an excellent opportunity for him to bring every penny of his district’s fair share of federal tax dollars to Northeastern Pennsylvania. He was ranked No. 1 in Pennsylvania two years in a row and in 2022 he was No. 10 out of 435 congressional districts in the country for securing federal project dollars for his district. 

 Local funding highlights include the expansion of medical and mental health services for women, children, families and the elderly; infrastructure upgrades in the form of water treatment, flood protection and paving projects; workforce development and job training; and new equipment, technology and operation centers for area police, firefighters and emergency responders.

In the 118th Congress, he's more committed than ever to bringing federal funding home to drive regional economic growth, create jobs, fight crime, and provide much-needed public works projects.

Another of Rep. Cartwright’s priorities is restoring rail service from New York City to Scranton, PA, which Amtrak studies have shown will generate $84 million every year in new economic activity. His efforts include forming the Lackawanna Cut-Off Rail Restoration Caucus, a group of federal lawmakers from Pennsylvania and New Jersey with a focus on rebuilding track between Port Morris, New Jersey and Slateford, Pennsylvania. He also convened and continues to lead a bi-partisan coalition of nearly 50 federal, state, county and municipal leaders and economic development specialists in both states, working with officials from PennDOT, New Jersey Transit, the Pennsylvania Northeast Regional Railroad Authority, and the Federal Railroad Administration.

Co-Chair of the Bipartisan House Military Depot Caucus and Dean of the Pennsylvania House Democratic Delegation, he is also the Vice Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition. He recently completed four years in House Leadership as Co-Chair of the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee and remains a member of the Democratic Steering & Policy Committee, which makes committee assignments for all Congressional Democrats.

This experience, this access to federal funds CANNOT be matched by a rookie MAGA Republican Congressman in what will be a Democratic Congress. 







Senators Fetterman and Bob Casey (Photo: LuLac archives)

U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and John Fetterman (D-PA), U.S. Representatives Dwight Evans (D-PA 3), and Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA-5) and Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle L. Parker announced a total of $8,984,800 in funding to bring electric vehicle (EV) chargers to underserved neighborhoods in Philadelphia and to the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). The funding is from the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant Program, made possible by the infrastructure law. Thanks to this funding, Philadelphia can expand access to EV charging to low-and middle-income communities and the Philadelphia International Airport can build an EV charging hub to serve passengers and employees.

“As electric vehicles become more popular and lower fuel costs for families, it is critical that all Philadelphians can access reliable charging,” said Senator Casey. “Pennsylvania was among the first states in the Nation to begin building out a statewide network of charging stations with infrastructure law funds and now this grant will help more Philadelphians charge up. I will keep working to ensure the Commonwealth has the tools it needs to strengthen our burgeoning electric vehicle industry, providing more jobs and reducing our carbon footprint.”

“Philadelphia is taking a bold step forward with this funding, bringing much-needed infrastructure to neighborhoods that have been left out of the clean energy transition. This project makes it possible for every Philadelphian, regardless of where they live, to benefit from the shift to green energy,” said Senator Fetterman. “We're laying the groundwork for a future where clean, affordable energy is accessible to everyone, and I’m proud to back this crucial investment in our communities.”

“I’m proud to have voted for federal funding that’s resulted in this nearly $9 million for Philadelphia, including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act! Having this cleaner-energy option available in more Philadelphia neighborhoods and at our area’s largest airport will help to reduce air pollution and help with addressing climate change. I’ll keep working with Senator Casey and all of our delegation to deliver more federal funding for Philadelphia and the commonwealth,” said Congressman Evans.

"One of the challenges in transitioning to electric vehicles is ensuring that a robust, accessible network of public charging stations is available to everyone," said Representative Scanlon. "This new investment in that charging network will make it easier for EV drivers across our region to charge their cars, reduce our carbon footprint, and support the American workers building these charging stations. I’m proud to have voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law which is funding this work, and look forward to seeing all of the infrastructure improvements that it will bring to Pennsylvania consumers"

"We are pleased to announce that, once again, the City of Philadelphia finds itself the recipient of significant investment from the Biden-Harris administration. We are grateful for this opportunity to expand public infrastructure for electric vehicle (EV) charging in our city," said Mayor Cherelle L. Parker. "This funding will be used to build out our EV charging network by installing EV fast chargers, and ultimately moving us closer to a cleaner and greener Philadelphia."

The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant Program, awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), was made possible by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). This grant program supports the installation of public EV charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure. Additionally, IIJA passed with provisions to make EV charging more accessible nationwide through the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) formula program. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has announced 91 total EV charging projects, across 43 counties in the Commonwealth. Thanks to today’s funding, the City of Philadelphia can plan for and install EV chargers at the Philadelphia International Airport and at places across the city, particularly in neighborhoods with multifamily housing and in low-and-middle-income communities. These planned EV chargers are set to be accessible to the community, with some located at recreation centers near public transportation.




Lt. Gov. Austin Davis and Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Rick Siger announced the opening of the new $20 million Main Street Matters program, created by Governor Josh Shapiro to support main streets, downtown business districts, small businesses, and local communities across Pennsylvania.

Included in the Governor's bipartisan 2024-25 budget, Main Street Matters funding is available for community revitalization efforts in planning, business support, aesthetic improvements, and increased safety and security. Applications for Main Street Matters funding will be accepted through November 15, 2024.

 Lt. Gov. Davis and Sec. Siger made the announcement during a visit to the Ambridge Chamber of Commerce and tour of several small businesses in the Beaver County borough.

"Pennsylvania's downtowns and Main Streets are often windows into our past, but Governor Shapiro and I know they can be economic engines for our future," said Lt. Gov. Austin Davis. "Our 'Main Street Matters' program will invest in rebuilding Pennsylvania's commercial business districts and revitalizing our communities to become places where businesses can grow and families can thrive."

 Speakers Included:

Mario Leone, Ambridge Borough Manager

Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis

DCED Secretary Rick Siger

State Representative Robert Matzie

Scott Monit, Local Business Owner





You'll hear the program Sunday at 6 on 94.3 The Talker; 6:30 on 1400 am The Mothership and 7:30 am on 105 The River.





Here's the link: News – The Outlaw Steve Corbett (



Tune in every week to the Home of Rock and Roll for a jam packed, unpredictable hour starting at 9am Sundays. Host Edd Raineri gives you facts and great music from the immortal Fab Four on ROCK 107.



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Willie Totten for Mississippi Valley State makes Division I-AA record 536 yards & 9 TDs in 86-0 win v Kentucky State; Jerry Rice catches 17 passes for 294 yards & 5 TDs; breaks own Division I-AA record for total yardage in pass receptions… Revival of John Kander and Fred Ebb's musical "Zorba" closes at Broadway Theater, NYC, after 362 performances, winning one Tony Award….a 28-year-old Chicagoan wins $40 million in Illinois state lottery……. Jerry Lewis' 19th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $32,074,566…..St. Louis Cardinals closer Bruce Sutter breaks his own NL record for saves in a season with his 45th in 7-3 win over NY Mets; record broken in 1991, by Lee Smith of the St. Louis Cardinals… "Amadeus" from the play by Peter Shaffer, directed by Milos Forman and starring Tom Hulce premieres in Los Angeles (Academy Awards Best Picture 1985)………..The Mets Dwight Gooden's 11 strikeouts gives him NL rookie record 236…..and this week in LuLac land and America the number one song in America was “What’s Love Got To Do With It” by Tina Turner.


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