Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The LuLac Edition #5, 267, March 11th, 2035



If Donald Trump thought he had opposition with Justin Trudeau Canadian Prime Minister, he’s going to have challenges with Mark Carney who was elected as the leader of the Liberal party in Canada. Carney won by 86% of the vote at the convention on Sunday to succeed Trudeau. It might be a different guy but the message against Trump is going to be the same.

Carney said, "We are Canada strong. We didn't ask for this fight, but Canadians are always ready when someone else drops the gloves. The Americans should make no mistake, he says in trade, as in hockey, Canada will win. Americans "want our resources, water, our land, our country. Think about it. If they succeeded, they would destroy our way of life. America is a melting pot. Canada is a mosaic. America is not Canada and Canada will never ever be part of America in any way, shape or form."

Now there will be a general election when its called and Carey will have to prevail over the opposition party. But it is clear, like Trudeau who will fight Trump to the death. Plus, he’s smarter than Trump.

He was Governor of the Bank of Canada and England, went to Harvard led Canada through the 2008 financial crisis. On November 26, 2012, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced the appointment of Carney as Governor of the Bank of England. He was the first non-Briton to be appointed to the role since the Bank of England was established in 1694.

I believe Carney will be no match for the vacillating and totally aggrieved President of the United States.



The talking point that this is a war on the import of fentanyl is going to fall apart. Data shows that some states had a 20% decrease and in other areas up to 50%. The CDC reports that on a total basis in the U.S. it is down 24%. In Pennsylvania alone there is a drop of 2,000 deaths due to the drug. So when the Trumpanzees tell you this is a “drug war” and not a trade war, CALL OUT THEIR BULLSHIT,




Homeland Security head Kristi Noem has ordered homeland security administers to take lie detector tests in hopes she can snuff out leakers who have been accused of foiling immigration raids this month. God bless the workers there. This is a perfect example of a heavy handed, paranoid secretary who was handpicked by a paranoid President.  Let’s hope she doesn’t shoot them if they fail. 


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