Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Well, trying to set up a blog certainly has been an experience. You have to understand that for a 50 something political junkie this has been difficult. I won’t use the word “hard” or “hard work” because that would conjure up images of the 2004 Presidential debate where Mr. Bush said being the Commander in Chief was “hard work”. A little background, I came to computers as a professional in 1999 when I began working for the infamous Corporate Express Call Center on South Main Street. So I do not have the razzle dazzle or computer smarts to have fourth of July graphics just up yet. I was famous down on South Main for banging the keyboard as if my strength would bend the recalcitrant computer to my will. But we are efforting to make this happen and in a few days will be up and running.
While I have the chance, I might as well lay out the format for this endeavor. The subject matter will likely look something like this:
News of the Day.
Media Watch.
What’s Ahead.
Special Feature of the Day which could be a recap of a potential political race, a salute to a Political Hall of Famer or A Closer Look At the News.
Some weeks, we may bestow our Lu Lu Awards for political courage, gaffes, stupidity or all those subjects combined. I’m going to get out the old instructional manual and finish up so we could get started.
Just a quick "shout out" to my buddy from the Mid Valley, "Johnny from Jermyn" who gave me a tutorial on blog photo display and JPGs. (Yeah, I had problems with the Etch A Sketch when I was a kid!!!!)


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