Sunday, April 22, 2007

The LuLac Edition #202, April 22nd, 2007



Luzerne County politics certainly is comparable to New York City, whenever you go there, you see something you’ve never seen before. In this county, just when you think you’ve heard it all, you haven’t. There has been more talk about a Deputy Sherriff in these parts since the mythical town of Mayberry was buzzing about their own, beloved Barney Fife.
Last week the Times Leader reported that Democratic candidate for Sherrif Nipper Nowakowski has stated that if elected, he’d make the former Sherriff, Carl Zawatski his chief deputy. Zawatski, a former Sherriff who succeeded long timer and fellow Polains resident Frank “Jago” Jagadinski was characterized as Nowakowski as being a smart man. Nowakowski indicated he was hoping Zawatski would say yes to his request. Nowakowski is running against Pittston’s Michael Savokinas for the Democratic nomination in the spring primary. GOP incumbent Barry Stankus who beat Zawatski twice is running for a third term.
Zawatski said he is helping Nowakowski in his campaign because of Nowakoski’s experience as a former state trooper and in the law enforcement field. But he told the candidate to focus first on winning the elections before focusing on any appointments.
The two have battled each other in past elections. But they have also been friends for 40 years, Nowakowski said, and there are certainly no hard feelings between them.
In the meantime, another former political opponent – Democrat Tom Merlie’s name has come up. Nowakowski claims he is getting support from Merlie and wouldn’t mind putting him on staff either. Zawatski beat both men and Savokinas for the Democratic nomination for sheriff in 2003 before losing to Stankus in the general election.
Nowakowski said he would also consider bringing Merlie, a former Wilkes-Barre police captain, on staff in the sheriff’s office. “Nipper’s” foe in this race, Savokinas also ran for the office in the past. But he’s not talking any staff predictions right now. Savokinas said he thinks it’s too early to start publicly naming possible chief deputies.
This revelation brings some interesting dynamics to the Sherriff’s race.
1. Nowakowski seems to be trying to engender blocks of support in key areas of the County. A resident of Duryea, Nowakowski wants to broaden his base to blunt the stand off that a Savokinas candidacy will bring about in Greater Pittston. “Nipper’s” strategy is to get the Zawatski supporters in Plains and the Merle supporters in Wilkes Barre on his side to combat the effects of the Democratic endorsement of Savokinas. This will certainly help in the primary.
2. However, with Stankus being unopposed he can look to the General. With Zawatski’s previous political baggage concerning an auto accident his daughter was involved in years ago, is it a smart move by the Nowakowski people to publicly say Zawatski will be the chief deputy? Plus, Stankus can play the “I’m above politics” card by pointing to Nowakowski’s pandering to various past candidates in exchange for votes and/or jobs. All Stankus has to say is, “I didn’t do that” and he looks good in comparison. Stankus is going to need something because his vote total in 2003 was lower than his win in 1999. And it seems like Nowakowski has handed him an issue.
3. Still, all that said, Nowakowski might have found a way to blunt the impact of the Democratic endorsement. Add to that his catchy “polka sounding” radio ads, and this might get him through the primary.
But the primary win by Nowakowski might come at a great cost if Stankus can use Nowakowski’s pre election recruitment process as an issue.
The second best line in all of this came from Zawatski who said he was enjoying retirement and taking various golf trips enjoying not working and just relaxing. The best line came from a Demo political committeeman who shall remain nameless who said, “In this county, he could do all that and still be the Deputy”.


Got an e mail last week from Former Senator Rick Santorum. Rick wants a contribution from me. I’m getting right on that Rick. Anyway, here’s the note from our former Legislator:

Dear David,
The 2006 election is long past, and we are now beginning to see the true colors of the Democrats who took over Congress. The very first spending bill to emerge under the new liberal Democratic leadership of Nancy Pelosi … more than $463 billion!Both Senate and House Democrats are doing all they can to tie our hands in Iraq, sponsoring bill after bill to cut funding or pull our troops out altogether. Each new bill is more and more instructive about their motives and their unwillingness to fight terror...... and each one is equally destructive in the message it sends to our troops in the field and to our enemies. Ultimately, Senators like Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, and, of course, Ted Kennedy are telling our men and women in uniform that they don't have the support of our government.The Senate has given the green light to expanding federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, despite the fact that not a single medical advancement has ever been found from embryo stem cells.Whatever Americans voted for in 2006, it certainly wasn't for higher spending, losing the war against radical Islam, or driving our culture deeper into its ethical or moral abyss.David, it's clear our work together is far from over. That is why in a few short weeks, I will be launching a new, refocused America's Foundation, dedicated to restaking conservative Republicans’ role in the critical debates that face our nation.Today it is my pleasure to invite you to become a 2007 America's Foundation Charter Member.David, we remain the party of ideas and vision. While it's vital we recognize that the war in Iraq played a role in the November elections, it's equally important to understand that as conservatives and Republicans our party strayed far away from the principles we've long stood for and that the people respected.You and I must work again to find candidates who will embrace those ideals and deliver genuine leadership once more!You and I can and must lead the way. Take a moment right now to use one of the links provided in this letter and make a Charter Member contribution of $50, $250, $500 or even $1,000 to America's Foundation right now.David, throughout my recent campaign you were a steadfast friend. I hope I expressed how truly grateful I was for that support throughout the race. And I hope you'll join with me again as we look beyond a single Senate seat toward the future of the country we love. Thank you and God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Rick SantorumChairmanP.S. America's Foundation is renewed and refocused. I hope you’ll stay connected to America’s Foundation in the weeks ahead to learn more about our efforts. Please join with me again now. Thanks again.



The Munchak/Cordaro team is running their “we got the Yankees” TV ad during placements in Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy two of the top rated local shows in the market. The ads are good. The placement better.


The billboards popping up featuring Greg Skrepenak and Mary Ann Petrilla, the presumptive nominees of the Democratic Party for Luzerne County Commissioner are examples of what good editing and photo shop editing can do. The taller Skrep has been sized down to coordinate beautifully with the normal sized Petrilla. Very eye catching and flattering.


Sorry to see Todd Vonderheid go as a County Commissioner. I was wrong about him in 2003 and wish I can vote for him again. But the county’s loss is going to be the Chamber’s gain. According to published reports, it appears Vonderheid will be the new CEO of the Wilkes Barre Chamber. The TL reported that today but guys, where did you get that awful photo of Todd? C’mon, the guy has some nice photos on file. The photo they used today looked as if he was in a Sunday morning brawl at the Woods.


At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Santorum gets it. He lost because of all the reasons he wants you to donate money. I used to think he was a smart guy, now I think he is clueless

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think flipper I mean nipper is trailing behind Savokinas in this race and this is a desperate attempt to get votes. I wonder if there was any state or ethis violations committed by Nipper for pandering jobs for votes......

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke Nipper throwing around names of who he may hire if he wins the sheriff election. Just what we need an ex-sheriff with a scandal what a joke. The voters spoke once and ousted Zawatski from office and did not re-elect him the second time around. Please don't waste you vote. A vote for Nipper is a vote for Zawatski.


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