The LuLac Edition #486, May 29th, 2008

Reassessment was on the airwaves last night and WYOU TV did a great job in breaking down the way tax payers will be dealing with this issue. On the 5 and 6 interactive newscasts, host Eric Scheiner had on the main guy from the assessment agency. Then at 11, he hosted the head of the assessor's office, Tony Alu and get this, the PR guy from the County Jason Jarecki. In the past, many courthouse employees avoided the TV studio like the plague but apprently someone gave the word to get those folks on TV to speak to this issue which will be ongoing in the months to come. Scheiner, as always did a great job in getting to the meat of the matter. On the radio, Tony Alu was on Corbett.
Today the Citizen's Voice ran a story on the financial dealings of two local Judges and their wives with Robert Powell's development enterprises. Also included in the article was County official Jill Moran. Read the article for yourself to see if you think anything was funny but here's my initial take on this. Were these high finance deals discussed and realized when county work was supposed to be going on? Just a question. More power to anyone who wants to get ahead with a sideline, my heavens that's the American way. But if that's not the case, I wonder how much lawyering was going on under the dome was getting done when these deals started to come into the planning stages?
On our last edition, a poster referred to former Lackawanna County official Chuckie Costanzo in trouble for threathening a witness on Sunday morning. If you read the account in the Times, it reads like something out of "The Sopranos".
John Kennedy would have been 91 years old today. The Kennedy family chooses to celebrate this day instead of his death in Nov. 1963.
Chuckie reminds me of Vito if you ask me, with all due respect.
Wouldnt it be funny if the good old gal left out of the good old boys club turned out to be the only "honest" judge in the county.
Dave, Not just saying this because you were a guest there but I think that interactive news on 'YOU is wonderful. The county debate over taxes was quite interesting and that young man is never unprepared.
Dave, A few things.
1. You have to give Maryann Petrilla credit again for letting her media person go before the cameras. She is hitting all the right notes.
2. Isn't Costanza the same guy the Times did a video on railing at some peoplle at a Democratic fundraiser?
3. And JFK, rest in peace. Dave, you always remember the great ones. I don't think he would've made 91 but it's a nice thing to imagine isn't it? So much potential lost because of a ten buck rifle!
Remember when Judge Lokuta said there were problems and investigations on the third floor? All we talked about was her hair and her demeanor. But what about that look see into the dealings of the Judges? Isn't there a conflict of interest to have Judges involved in a Juvinelle Center? I mean that's like the Judges buying a competing jail and sending the people to it. And the wives, are they really the financial power brokers they appear to be on paper or is it just on paper? And Jill Moran owning the entire K Cat development? Where did she get the funds? Must've been a lawyer the caliber of Johnny Cochran and F. Lee Bailey in those hills of Hazleton before dippong her toe in politics, don't ya think? If there is an aggressive investigation like Petrilla and Urban called for, you are going to have a window opened up wide. Let us start to investigate: NOW.
Let's see, you're 57 years old. You're a Judge making over 100 K a year? It isn't forklift hauling. Why do you think Conahan retired? Too many civil bench trials?
One of the greatest political injustices in this county was when Conahan defeated Atty. Joe Musto for the Judgeship. People didn't want Joe because he was the brother of Ray Musto and we all screamed nepotism. Then the gangs from Hazleton said, "no one loves us, put one of our own in or we'll secede from the county!!!" And Conahan won big on both nominations and look at who and what we got. Sometimes being related to someone is not all its cracked up to be. Joe Musto couldn't pick the family or brother he was born with, but we as voters could've recognized a decent guy when we saw one, no matter who he was related to.
Geraldine Ferraro recently reappeared after years in exile and demonstrated immediately why she should have stayed there. As I recall she was of no help to Walter Mondale with men, women blacks, whites or Americans.
Would it be unfair to mention her husbands "shady constructon dealings and alledged mafia ties"
or would that be sexist or racist?
This woman requires a gag. Seems the only way to keep her from saying foolish things is not to allow her the opportunity to say anything! Put her in the "wayback machine" and send her way back.
Tony Alu?
Small world, I crossed paths with a guy named Tony Alu at LCCC back in the early 70's. Nice guy from the get go. True music fan. Could it be the same guy?
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