Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The LuLac Edition #928, Sept. 1st, 2009



In a tenure marked by controversey, Sheriff Michael Savoinas resigned his office today. Savokinas said he felt he had no alternative except resignation after being victimized by a “witch hunt” by county officials. He also cited the news media as one of the reasons for his actions. He made the comment that the media was intent on ruining his reputation. In a letter addressed to the media and citizens, Savokinas cited several incidents, including the discovery of drugs in a sheriff’s vehicle, that he says were turned against him in an attempt to disparage his name. Savokinas also cited severe budget cuts and numerous run-ins with county commissioner chairwoman Maryanne Petrilla as reasons for his resignation. Savokinas has been at odds with Petrilla over expenses for his office. He also had a very rough transfer of power after winning a close election. Firing the chief deputy did not help him in the transition and Courthouse insiders have said that the Sheriff was the victim of infighting and possible treachery by his own staff members. The political ramifications of this resignation will be discussed and debated in the coming months. First the Bishop, now the Sheriff, who's next? Letterman?


At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another judge would be nice

At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maye Corbett or Kevin Lynn will resign next. Or maybe both the muckrakers will leave? Naah but a girl can dream, can't she?

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both Counties deserve good, qualified Sheriffs if there going to have a Sheriffs Dept! Recent adventures in the Lac have been questionable and everything around this fella in Luzerne has been wierd from the get go! I'd look to reduce and eventually eliminate County Sheriffs Depts if I were a County Commissioner. Major savings potential.

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Savokinas was a misfit from the beginning when he tried to disgrace Sheriff Stankus for his working at the Sunshine Mkt.Seems what goes around comes around. I think this is the first time a elected row officer has resigned from his position but isnt it funny how he made sure he had Carl Zawatski there to take his place and Joe Oliveri was able to resign to get his extra money. I feel this was all planned to get those in power that have wanted it all along..Remember Carl Zawadski was not able to win the election because of the coverup of his daughters accident.

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no shortage of nasty remarks.


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