Sunday, April 05, 2015

The LuLac Edition #2871, April 5th, 2015




At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great graphics Yonk.

Aside from the fact that more and more Catholic Churches have eschewed their traditional decor for a contemporary mall-like interior design, any reason you didn't use something more religiously grounded?

BTW: Disney seems to have extricated itself from the negativity of being Disney.

Some of the "urban train" fanatics need to adopt the Disney model of people moving. I never have to wait at a railroad crossing with my motor running when visiting Disney.

Why don't we concentrate on high speed elevated monorail systems?

Just askin', Happy Easter.

At 5:34 PM, Blogger David Yonki said...

any reason you didn't use something more religiously grounded?
Yeah, I figure the right wingers who read this already think I'm a hypocritical, baby killing, gun stealing, immigration at any cost loving liberal so what the heck!

Some of the "urban train" fanatics need to adopt the Disney model of people moving. I never have to wait at a railroad crossing with my motor running when visiting Disney.
Why don't we concentrate on high speed elevated monorail systems?
I agree. We can move a lot of people faster. Mrs. LuLac went to NYC on Wednesday and the bus was packed. Even if they did a rail to Jersey that would help.

At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could also have said:
I figure the radical left commies who read this already think I'm a hypocritical, moderate, common sense based, gotta get along reasonable liberal so why give them a reason!
Besides then I might have to defend why I wanted to keep certain churches open - on EASTER fer cryinoutloud!!!


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