Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The LuLac Edition #3841, July 24th, 2018


Scott Wagner the candidate for Governor in the state has made no secret of the fact that he thinks Climate Change is just not true. Now there are many, about 2/3 of Pennsylvanians who think he is wrong. I know many Wagner supporters and they are behind him 1000%. Wagner even has some good ideas like Property Tax Reform. But watching him on TV and in videos, he gets defensive when challenged and goes down a road that even his strongest supporters might cringe at. (WEl maybe not, most of tem still defend Trump to the death)
But I digress. Recently Wagner was asked a question by an 18 year old female a question about climate change. She prefaced it with his taking $200.000 in campaign contributions It was a clear signal that it was not a friendly question. Wagner gave this remark.

It was first off a dismissive insult that scrammed, “Okay little girl, go away and let the big men handle it”. It gave the Democrats in power (who by the way haven’t been great in running the Executive branch) something to rev up their base of women, millennial and people who don’t agree with Wagner on this issue but might find some common ground with him on other things a chance to nick him.
I understand his frustration but Wagner needs those voters to even have a puncher’s chance in the race against Wolf and Fetterman.

Congressman Matt Cartwright (Photo: LuLac archives)
Meanwhile Matt Cartwright is defending his stance on Climate Change. My opponent has attacked me for talking about climate change and our environment.
Like there's something fundamentally wrong with being interested in clean air, clean water, and ensuring our children and grandchildren inherit a healthy planet.
So I'll just say it: I care about the future of our planet, and I know you do, too. Guilty, as charged.
I've waited for years for Republicans in Congress to stand up for science. To put forward good-faith solutions to climate change that can also create jobs here in America. To take the threat seriously.
Every indication, however, is that for Republicans in Congress and their candidates on campaign trails across America, the answer is NO.
Republicans are saying NO to solutions to climate change. NO to ensuring clean air and clean water for our families. NO to the basic principles of science.
What do they support?
Big campaign checks from the Koch Brothers, from massive corporations that profit from inaction, from polluters who want us to continue to look the other way. Questioning basic facts.
The same big donors who are now coming after me and backing my opponent. Go figure.
Cartwright will not shy away from this issue so it appears he will be in interesting conflict with his opponent John Chrin.


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