Monday, October 22, 2018

The LuLac Edition #3909, October 22nd, 2018

Little Joey Scarnati, friend of pedophiles
If you want to know the state of the Republican Party in the nation, all you need do is look at Diaper Don and his set of Senate cronies that will support him come hell or high water. Oh a few like Jeff Flake or Susan "I am woman hear me murmur" Collins will give lip service to how bad he is but in the end they support his war on the middle class and everything else his black heart desires.
But in Pennsylvania, we thought there was at least a modicum of common sense.
But no, Senate Majority Lender Joe Scarnati blocked a bill that EVERYONE was for. Except him and his GOP caucus that would make Freedom Caucus members in D.C. blush.
The bill provides retroactive access to civil courts for survivors blocked by the laws as they existed when they were children. This comes on the heels of the Grand Jury report on Catholic Church clergy who had the statute of limitations run out on them. The law would provide a two year window but Scarnati said it was unconstitutional.
Uh, is Scarnati  NOW A JUDGE?
Because of Scarnati who did not bring it to the floor, that two year window is SHUT!
Scarnati  at a press conference, channeling Diaper Don said the House version was a "disaster". No specifics here.
But then whiny slithery little Joey S. took to task a reporter who asked him a question about why he blocked it. He brought up the old standby line the GOP uses, "I'm the father of (how many kids he spawned, doesn't matter much) and then said he was angry and hurt to be labeled as a pedophile protector. Little Joey S. was getting his little itty bitty feelings hurt. 
The guy who blocked the bill is ANGRY and HURT.
Hey little Joey, how angry and hurt do you think the victims who needed that window open are?
Ladies and Gentleman, your REPUBLICAN party on the state level, protecting pedophiles.
As Senator Tom Murt, a Republican said the other day, "The statue of limitations are a pedophiles best friend".
So is little Joey Scarnati.


League of Women Voters - WB Forum for the 121st District Seat. The Forum starts at 7pm.


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