Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The LuLac Edition #4,112, July 17th, 2019


Our “Write On Wednesday” logo.
This week a reader to the Citizens' Voice out and out said the democrats must return to traditional values.
I’m not sure what the reader intends by saying we should hold off in calling Donald Trump a racist but after this week what else can we call him.He says the party has been overtaken by 4 Congresswomen. I wonder if he has had a conversation with Matt Cartwright or Eddie Day Pashinski.
Nonetheless it is an amusing read.
Editor: It’s not our parents’ Democratic Party any more. Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey and Henry Jackson are long gone. While most Northeast Pennsylvania Democrats still represent the party’s traditional mainstream values including support for working Americans, the national party is now dominated by the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , who equates enforcement of immigration laws to the operation of concentration camps. Rashida Tlaib talks about “our Palestinian people” as if she held office in the Palestinian Authority rather than our House of Representatives. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand once bragged about how much money Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase would make from cap-and-trade regulations.
Prominent Democrats including Hillary Clinton and current candidates Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Gillibrand and probably others have appeared publicly with Al Sharpton. Sharpton played a major role in the Tawana Brawley scandal, Crown Heights riots, and the Freddy’s Fashion Mart incident in which Sharpton called a Jewish store owner a “white interloper.” The national-level Democratic Party might therefore want to hold off on calling Donald Trump a racist until it gets its own house in order. The Democratic Party must instead return to its traditional values — the same values expressed by our region’s Democrats — if it hopes to win Pennsylvania in 2020.
Bill Levinson


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