Monday, April 13, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4, 260, April 13th, 2020


Our “13 Questions” logo.

! What are your thoughts on Jared Kushner’s participation in the Coronavirus meetings?

I think he is unqualified and had no idea how the supply chain works. Notice he hasn’t been back.

2. How will you rate Governor Wolf’s and Secretary Levine’s performance in this crisis?

Very good. Rational, factual, calming. Everything Diaper Don is not.

3. Do you know anyone who tested for Covid-19?

Not yet.

4. What is the hardest thing for you to do about the stay at home rules?

I’ve been going to work at City Hall. So I get out. I never went out for the sake of going out because I’m not a drinker. I think the fact that I can’t go with friends for dinner or lunch or see baseball is something I miss. That said though, I can entertain myself in many ways and can always find something to do.

5. I gained 7 pounds staying at home with the stay at home edict, how about you?

I actually lost 4 but that’s because I gained 2 the previous week and I went on my program. It evens out. I’m at a weight that was way past the goal I intended. If I stay away from Goldfish overdose and bread I’m okay.

6. Did you ever think the Coronavirus was a hoax?

Never. See I never went to Medical school. I trust doctors and especially people who know more than me with my health. Having been a cancer survivor, I know enough not to fuck with your health and health advisories by calling it a hoax.

7. Governor Cuomo, does he have a political future?

If he wants one sure. Many political observers had told me that if this Coronavirus happened in October, the entire field of candidates, including Biden would be overshadowed by him. As a matter of fact, if Biden wanted to wiggle out of his promise to appoint a woman Veep, he could get by with it by asking Cuomo. Like his father Mario before him, he has a path. How he responds will be another story.

8. Are you wearing a mask?

Yes at work and in public.

9. Who would you like to see as Biden’s running mate?

Amy Klobarchar. Tough, Midwestern, not afraid to take on Trump and unlike Harris and Warren, likeable.

10. You stated on Facebook you listened to WRTI FM out of Temple University in Philly. Would a jazz station do well here?

No. Especially now with Sirius Radio, it wouldn’t be a commercial success. I like jazz but not a lot of the free form stuff that I find rather self-indulgent on the part of the artist. I don’t think I’m alone in that opinion.

11. Bernie Sanders supporters who want to be convinced to vote for Biden. What do you tell them?

a. Bernie was never a Democrat until the Presidency was at stake.
b. The Democrats made their choice. The Sanders supporters should accept that verdict, Bernie did.
c. 11 letters: Donald Trump.
If they think they can get better deal with the GOP, then they will be responsible by their actions.

12. When this crisis starts to recede, how should they open up America for business?

Incrementally. Service and small businesses like dry cleaners, tailors, hair salons and small shops. Give them a head start Then the department stores and everything after that.

13. I need cheering up. Especially now. How about a little banana phone?

Sure. Here ya go!


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