Sunday, June 14, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,323, June 13th, 2020


Our “13 Questions” logo.

1. Do you really think President Trump can possibly win re-election?

Yes it is way too early to tell how events will shake out. He messages not for morality or the good of the country but to make his own case. He lies with just enough of a kernel of truth to make that lie plausible.

2. How does this situation with the race and riots compare to 1968. Is it a bad as then?

Worse. Even though our country was divided then, the arguments and disagreements that drove us apart were based on facts, not lies. Sons and fathers disagreed about Vietnam but the facts of Vietnam were just that, facts. There was no leader or party substantiating a lie. You either thought Vietnam was good or bad on its merits. Here there is no room for nuance, no room to compromise. It is much more divisive and dangerous.

3. How do I go about getting a refund for my season tickets t PNC Field, have you tried?

If you are a season ticket holder, they'll send you a link to answer questions as to whether you want a refund or a roll over. There was also the Minor League All Star game and Home Run Derby too that I purchased so you can get a refund on that with a link. I chose to roll over the season tickets to 2021 and took the refund for the All Star game because the last time it was here was 1995. It goes by a rotation and I can't guarantee 5 years on this planet let alone 25!

4. What is your go to radio for you for the summer?

Sailing on TuneIn and Happy Jack’s Sentimentally Yours out of Allentown on Cable TV 137. I like listening to CBS Sports Radio on WARM when the signal cooperates.

5. Andy Griffith reruns in black and white or color?

I like both but the later ones toward the end run of the show were odd. Like Aunt Bea taking flying lessons or opening up a Chinese Restaurant.

6. What is the first sit down restaurant or bar you’ll head to when this pandemic I over?

Margarita Mozile on Parrish Street in Wilkes Barre.

7. Have your thoughts changed on Biden’s running mate?

Yes now I think he has to pick a woman of color. I’m going with two long shots. Val Demmings of Florida (he needs Florida) and how about Susan Rice? He'd be comfortable with both. 
8. If they wrote a Broadway play on your life, what would be the title?

Ugh! Broadway. I guess “Undefeated and Undeterred”.

9. Do you see any upsets in down ballot races for State Representative this year?

Nope. Every incumbent is safe as a baby in a sober mother’s arms.

10. What is the biggest complaint of your fellow political nerds regarding campaigning in a pandemic?

No face to face interaction.

11. Do you watch “Killing Eve”?

Yep one of the best shows I’ve seen on BBC America. Another show I'm watching on Ovation 

is   "A Place to Call Home", a type of Australian Dallas show. I just got finished watching Frankie Drake mysteries there too. 

Tonight on ESPN  is 30 for 30 about the 1998 Home Run chase between Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire.

12. When you were on WILK last year doing a show, you ended with a really upbeat song. What was it and I’d like to know what is your favorite finale show song of all time?

Great question. I ended the show with this one.

For my money, the best show theme ending has to this one from George Noory’s “Coast To Coast” program that was written by a fan.

13. Are you glad to be back to work at City Hall?



At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding 6, why not Betelli’s?


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