Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The LuLac Edition #4, 561, August 11th, 2021



 Our :”Write On Wednesday” logo.

This week a letter writer to the Citizens’ Voice hits the nail directly on the head when referring to Congressman Dan Mueser. Here’s what was written and isn’t it the truth.


Editor:  I am “thrilled” that U.S. Rep. Dan Meuser, R-9, Dallas, decided to “accept” some of the infrastructure bill which will finally fix our decrepit and dangerous bridges and roads (“Don’t let Democrats hold the infrastructure bill hostage,” July 22).

However, Meuser obviously doesn’t have the heart and soul to care about children and their working-class parents who earn much less than Meuser does. Sadly, most of his constituents don’t receive the lucrative salary, perks to eat expensive meals or travel money for bogus reasons. Apparently Meuser and his fellow politicians forget that they work for us — their constituents who elected them to help, not hinder.

Obviously. the presidential election was decided by the American people nine months ago; consequently, I suggest that Meuser and his fellow Trumpeteers stop kowtowing and cut the apron strings. If Meuser and other legislators do not “like” the election results, they should grow up, read some history and learn that voting for elected officials is part of our democracy and it’s one of our foremost rights as Americans.

Further, they should begin working for their constituents’ basic needs, especially during this horrific pandemic that has affected our economy and will continue todo so.

They should stop worrying about the ultra-wealthy who do not pay taxes. Ironically, those who desperately need money are the ones who pay their salary and perks, yet the wealthy pay no taxes and are granted tax breaks costing $1 trillion. The most egregious factor in this decision is that Trump bragged to his wealthy sycophants the he just made them much wealthier with his infamous tax break. It was recorded, so we know the truth. Mr. Meuser, please remember you work for us, not Trump.

Mary Lampman



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