Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The LuLac Edition #4,748, May 25th, 2022



Our Write On Wednesday”  logo.

This week we feature Times Leader Editorial on the constant attack on the mail in ballot. This is convenient, easy to do, pretty much free of corruption  (try it and  in 2 weeks you’ll be an accused felon and in another  three months after your arraignment,  a convicted one) But it is here to stay because like the Affordable Care Act,  people like it. The Leader calls the debate tiresome, I call those people wanting to eliminate it “unpatriotic cowards”. 



Can we please stop hearing the inane argument that ballots counted after election night are somehow tainted or otherwise unworthy of consideration.

As long as a vote is legally cast in a timely fashion, it must be tallied or we do not have a valid democracy. Indeed, we should be willing to take some extra time and do some extra work if needed to assure everyone who tried to vote got to do so.

The issue came up again as the race between two Republican candidates for Pennsylvania’s available U.S. Senate seat developed into a razor-thin margin. Dr. Mehmet Oz and hedge fund manager David McCormick have vote totals so close the odds are high we’ll see a recount. As of Friday afternoon, Oz had a lead of less than 1,100 votes, well under the 0.5% threshold that would, by state law, trigger a recount.

By Thursday the howling of hooey had already reached fevered pitch. Tens of thousands of votes remained to be counted, and former President Donald Trump criticized the state via his social media outlet, advising his endorsed candidate, Oz, to just “declare victory.”

Seizing power by declaring victory and ignoring legitimate votes has a name: Autocracy. It is both remarkable and unacceptable that anyone should be suggesting that as the way to settle close elections in this country.

That’s not to say the system can’t be improved. Both political parties in Pennsylvania have conceded the pandemic-driven changes in the state’s voting law that expanded mail-in voting options could be better. Frankly, if they weren’t so determined to fight about voting (and everything else) state Democrats and Republicans likely could agree on a few simple fixes and get them done. An obvious starting point: Allow county election bureaus to open, scan and count mail-in ballots earlier, giving them more time to address any problems that may arise and making it at least theoretically possible to have all votes unofficially tallied election night.

Luzerne County officials have pointed out there simply wasn’t enough staff to count all the mail-in ballots Tuesday night, and they had to finish the job Wednesday. Which has two simple solutions other than the aforementioned early counting: Either give them more money to hire adequate staff, or accept the delays in counting mail-in ballots.

And frankly, even if the state lawmakers agreed to fix some of the problems and the county had ample money to hire as much staff as necessary, election results wouldn’t and shouldn’t be finalized election night. Taking time to get an accurate count is simply the right thing to do.

The recurring attempt to delegitimize mail-in ballots simply because it can take time to count them is getting tiresome. As an article in Friday’s paper pointed out, mail-in voting has been safely conducted for many years. Eight states allow an election to be conducted entirely by mail, with no major problems. There are ample ways to prevent fraud. There are steps that could be taken to speed up the process.

The system is working as intended. Let it unfold in its own time. The candidates can then pursue legal options if they feel there is an unresolved issue. Once those are exhausted, just concede if you lost and be gracious if you won.

But stop talking as if election results should be settled on demand like streaming a movie on Netflix.

— Times Leader


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