Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The LuLac Edition #4, 765, June 14th, 2022

 FLAG DAY 2022




At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Your Friend and Political Sparing Partner said...

OJ Simpson - people didn't want to see the facts
Michael Jackson - people didn't want to see the facts
Rodney King cops - people didn't want to see the facts
Catholic pedophilia - people didn't want to see the facts

Trump cultists - it isn't that they don't want to see the facts about January 6th, they SUPPORT what happened on January 6th:
They think the insurrection was just.
They wanted the Vice-president and House and Senate members harmed (or worse).
They wanted to overthrow a legally elected government.
And worst of all, they truly and blindly believe in Trump as their lord and savior.

The most accurate and truthful statement Trump has ever made was, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
Loyalty to Trump is a one-way street based on anger, hatred, racism, and bigotry - common sense, factual data, and reality will not impact the Trumpbots.

What most reasoned people don't understand about cults is that you can't have a rational conversation with irrational individuals. Donald J Trump leads a cult, one that very well may again rise to the presidency.


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