Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The LuLac Edition #4, 807, September 13th. 2022



Our 13 Questions logo.

1.           Do you think Trump will ever be indicted let alone convicted?


Absolutely. Look for it to happen in Georgia.


2.           How long do you think the investigation into the classified documents will go on?

Right now I it is up to the Master process. I don’t think the Justice Department should appeal to a higher court because this thing can go on forever. It could even wind up in the Supreme Court where the lapdogs appointed by Trump will change the law forever. He will try to delay, delay, delay but the only thing that might stop it is if the American people decide at the ballot box in a few weeks that this classified information is important and they jettison the GOP. A Republican party that had the chance to win big in June when Biden and the Dems were on the ropes can be brought down by Trump.


3.           What concerns you about this raid of the Trump residence concerning national security?

Two things. The sheer number of the stuff he took. 11, 000.  That’s a lot. The second thing I wonder is “why”? This is a guy who never read briefings, was short on policy answers when asked by reporters and had no respect when meeting with foreign officials as per his command of the situations facing this country.  That’s what scares me. 


4.           The Guardians are hovering in first place in the post season. How do you think they’ll do?

Minnesota has always been the big target but Chicago seems to be coming on and are very, very loose. It’s as if they have nothing left to lose. They can be the deal breaker in all of this.


5.           John  Fetterman’s illness. Can he pull this Senate run off with that hanging over him?

Well his opponent is being very clumsy in his approach to it. Fetterman seems to be owning it which is a good thing. He is ahead and needs to keep driving home the point that he can break the logjam that is the U.S. Senate. He needs to cite all the things Americans want but don’t have because of the GOP Senate 50. 


6.           8th Congressional district candidate Jim Bognet asking for 5 debates with Congressman Cartwright. Thoughts?

Cartwright should do ONE debate. Bognet is not a worthy opponent. He is a LIAR. He calls Cartwright corrupt but is using the GOP playbook of “ACCUSATION IS CONFESSION”. No way this slime ball should ever come near a seat in Congress.


7.           Is it true the GOP is pouring in millions of dollars into the 8th Congressional race?

Yep. They just added another million of dark money which is now being used. So thank you U.S. Supreme Court for that decision.


8.           Hey buddy, this is your GOP pal from Wisconsin. Can we please get rid of Ron Johnson in the Senate?

Up to you my man. Get out the vote and you can get rid of this cancer whose latest thought was “People with pre existing conditions should not get health care”. Ahh, a pro life Senator who says this about sick people, “LET THEM DIE!”


9.           What did you think of the Biden student loan give away?

It was a promise he kept. To those who complain about it, I didn’t hear anything when Trump gave tax beak’s to the 1%. Also it shows the envy in our society. I had no kids but paid taxes for public education.  The only issue I have was there should have been an attempt to reform the way loans are given. Education is too expensive for some.


10.  Would you support money for trade schools?

Absolutely. We will have a shortage of people who can fix things. You bet.


11.  I read that it’s not a good thing to keep Soy Sauce in the fridge. Do you?

Yes. But I’m told if you keep it out it stays fresher. I’ll have to research that.


12.  I am getting so tired of hearing about the death of the Queen on TV. Advice?

Well there is the Cartoon Network and ME TV.

13. We saw the last few Prime Ministers that Queen Elizabeth dealt with but who were the others who besides Churchill are passed away?

Here they are and the time they served in their position


 Sir Winston Churchill  October 1951 to April 1955

Anthony Eden April 1955 to January 1957

Harold Macmillan January 1957  to October 1963

Alec Douglas-Home October 1963  to October 1964

Harold Wilson October 1964  to June 1970.

Edward Heath June 1970 to March 1974

Harold Wilson again March 1974 to April 1976

James Callaghan April 1976 to May 1979

Margaret Thatcher May 1979 to November 1990

John Major November 1990 to May 1997

Tony Blair May 1997 to June 2007

Gordon Brown  June 2007 to May 2010.

David Cameron  May 2010 to July 2016

Theresa May  July 2016  to July 2019

Boris Johnson  July 2019 to September 2022

Liz Truss  September 2022 the newly minted Incumbent



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