Saturday, May 13, 2023

The LuLac Edition #4, 964, May 13th, 2023



Our 13 Questions logo.

1.      The election is just around the corner. What are the most significant races we should watch?

Two of them, one in the Lu, the other in the Lac. The Luzerne County Republican party has endorsed a slate of candidates running for County Council. With 12 candidates in the race, I see this as an attempt by the leadership to weed out the crazies in the party. (My term, not there’s). With so many people running, it is a smart move. Steve Urban Junior, an incumbent was not endorsed and I attribute that to his behavior regarding Luzerne County elections. We all know how he tried to wrest control of the election board but his recent comments to Election staff, threatening their jobs goes way beyond reason.

In the Lac, it will be interesting to see who will prevail in the Lacvkawanna County Commissioners race. Jerry Notarianni  is up for another term and should be safe. The other battle though pits former NFL Quarterback Matt McGloin and Council Chair Billy Gaughan. No team is running so there can be a p[potential for a surprise  victory by both Gaughan and McGloin if each candidate get bullet votes. 

On the GOP side for Commissioner, the re-emergence of Laureen Cummings trying for another term as County Commissioner is interesting too. Defeated a few years back, Cummings touts herself as the first female Commissioner in history but also said in a radio ad Lackawanna County didn't need a health department.  That had to set off alarms bells for voters who remember her national right wing leanings. Still, she has name recognition and in the Lac, that always helps.

We hall see this Wednesday.


2.  Your thoughts on the debt ceiling, aren’t you worried about my grandchildren?

Sorry, no. Look the GOP has been using that same tired line for generations. We have been a debtor nation for two centuries. This President has actually reduced the deficit. The current GOP MAGA leadership has no clue about governing EXCEPT obstruction. The credit card analogy they use is ridiculous. There was never a word when Trump was raising the deficit by providing tax breaks for billionaires.


3. Will Fox News be hurt by the recent defamation settlement?

Not at all. The money will still come pouring in and the talent will be replaceable. Most right-wing nut jobs don’t trust ANY media. In a recent survey  only a handful of media outlets that are trusted more by Republicans than Democrats, including Fox News, Newsmax, Breitbart News and One America News. Notably, out of all these outlets, Fox News is the only media outlet that a majority of Republicans trust; the rest of the outlets are only favored by a plurality. (By contrast, a large majority of Democrats trust many centrist and center-left outlets.)  The reason for that is because Democrats and Independents are more intelligent and tend to be fairer minded. Fox will go on chugging, chucking and jiving all the way to the bank. 


4. Have you been to a Railriders game yet this year?

Nope. On my list but not just yet. 


5. Thoughts on Donald Trump doing a CNN Town Hall?

What a joke. Old Diaper Don as constantly attacked CNN as “fake news” and an “enemy of the people” during his term in the White House, said he decided to accept the network’s offer to appear because “they made me a deal I couldn’t refuse.” Still, Trump couldn’t resist taking a shot at CNN, saying the town hall wasn’t a journalistic decision, but was motivated by CNN being “desperate to get those fantastic (TRUMP!) ratings once again.”

He’s right, it wasn’t a journalistic decision but just another part of the clown show that is the world of Donald Trump.


6. Have you ever collected coins?

Other than throwing change in a jar, no not really.


7. Store bought pasta sauce. What’s your favorite?

By far Botticelli.


8. What do you think about the rumors that John Fetterman won’t last his term?

 I tend to not think of that at all. Life has many detours and bumps for everyone. I can’t predict my own life without having to worry about Fetterman’s path.


9.  How do you feel about the Pirates and their fast start?

I’m real happy about it.  They are a franchise that can’t pay the big bucks but seem to get a great group of talented people around them. 


10. Robert DeNiro just had a baby. His 7th kid, thoughts?

 God bless him. His oldest child, a daughter is 51. 


 11. Want to weigh in on the Trump rape trial?

Just this. The pig said that he wasn’t given the opportunity to defend himself in the trial.  Trump’s deadline to tell the court if he wanted to testify at his trial passed weeks ago without him speaking up. Nevertheless, Judge Lewis Kaplan left the door open throughout the two-week trial and took it upon himself to give Trump one last chance last week without being asked to by his lawyers. He is a lying sack of shit. And that’s being kind to both the sack and the shit thrown into it. 


 12. Have you tried Mexican Coke?

Yes. We're talking soda here, right? Very good but not thrilled with the calorie count. 


13.Any planned broadcast dates, radio, TV for Election Day and did you vote by mail? 

Haven't been asked anywhere and yep did the mail in thing.









At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So a nurse is against a health department? WTF, she was probably against masks and vaccines.


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