Thursday, December 12, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 216, December 13th, 20924





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EDITOR'S NOTE: Edition posted late because of a holiday commitment that occurred right after work.  Blog was archived earlier but we were unable to post on stated day,  

1.   Are you ready for Christmas?

Started out slow but finishing fast. To me this is the best time of the year to just take stock and thank the Lord and Providence for still getting to enjoy another great holiday.


2.   Are you worried about the state of the country and this Christmas season?


From an individual standpoint, I don’t think one-on-one I don't. But from a collective state I get very concerned about the groupthink that's going around regarding the fact that this new norm is in fact normal. It is far from that, and I think when it kicks in this new reality, you're going to see people that will dig in and not admit that they were on the wrong side of history.  Or else you'll see that people will be just hunkering down and ignoring what is going to be a vastly changed country in terms of its humanity and its grace.


3.   What is your favorite Christmas tradition?


Christmas Eve supper with relatives and loved ones. It's the time when the streets are so quiet and so peaceful.  It makes you want to marvel at this great country and this great planet.  It is opportunity that we have to just drink in this tranquility that is short lived but appreciated especially this year.


4.   What what's with the red coats on Christmas time?

Well let me tell you I bought that coat after the weight loss in 2020. I got it on sale from Paul Frederick and I wanted to celebrate the Christmas season.  So it has become a Yonki tradition that I begin every Friday after Thanksgiving and wear it until January 7th of the next year.  That’s the end of the Christmas season when the Epiphany is celebrated. I believe that Christmas season should last from the end of Thanksgiving to the Three Kings day.  The one thing that I truly believe is that the Christmas season should last for a long time and I try to eke out every single minute of it that I can. I have a tough time with people who take down their Christmas trees on December 26 and move on. Christmas is the season of love and trust and a new beginning thus the red coat.


5.   Are you going to be going to any Christmas parties this year?

Yes. I lead off with the League of Women Voters gathering which was at one of my favorite restaurants, Theos Metro restaurant in Kingston. Then there was the party for the Luzerne County Democratic women which was at Betelli’s Villa.  That was a fantastic time. Then tonight I am going to my nephew Ian Edwards’s Christmas concert and that's going to be held at Mohegan Sun. Every year the clients who work at Cory’s Place put on a Christmas pageant and play and that's fantastic. Then there's also going to be a special needs event that the mayor is going to be holding.  So it’ll be very busy holiday season for me.

6.   How much impact do you think  J.D. Vance will have in the new administration?

Well given the personality of Mr. trump I really can't see Vance no pun intended advancing to do any type of work other than be a water carrier for The president. My best guess is that he'll just hang around waiting for trump to die.


7.   What are your thoughts on this outbreak of winter?

Well, it's typical northeastern Pennsylvania weather and we should be used to it. But in effect we have been spoiled the last couple of winters and I think we are due for one of them that will be a dilly. I hope not but we shall see. In the meantime, my philosophy has always been that the weather changes on a dime and if you just persevere during the bad outcomes there's always a brighter tomorrow.


8.   What did you make of MSNBC's Morning Joe and Mika going down to kiss the ring of Mr. trump right after the election?


A couple of things. I think there was  a matter of self-survival for them. I'm amazed that there has been no blowback by some of their counterparts on the network, I didn't think that that was going to happen so soon after the outcome of November. But again, you know after going down there and humiliating themselves it just basically was counterproductive because Trump did a tweet slamming Joe. It's almost like why give in to a bully who has no respect for what you do anyway. Scarborough has always been to me a pompous guy that talks about his time in office as if it was consequential to this country which to me was not. He is entertaining though I'll give him that.  I think that it was just something that personally I would not do but again I'm not walking in their shoes.


9.   Your favorite Christmas movie?

The two movies that I like some will argue are not holiday movies or Christmas movies per se.  The two that I do like are “Love Actually” and “Going My Way.” Both are from different eras.  “Love Actually” was from this century and “Going My Way” was from the 20th. So you can see my tastes are a little bit, what shall I say, varied. I just can't walk away from the TV  when they come on.   I just settle down and watch and enjoy them. I can never get enough of either of them during this holiday season or even the rest of the year.


10.               What do you say to the people who ae offended by the tune “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer?”

Get a life. If they think that’s bad……. they should hear the polka version.


11.               If you could recommend a political book for Christmas gift giving, what would it?

I’m really enjoying George Stephanopoulos’ book “The Situation Room”. There is a lot of inside information on how Presidents used the room that has been in existence since 1961. My favorite chapter is concerning President Ford and the Mayaguez incident.

12.               Do you think Joe Biden should leave office and do blanket pardons for government workers in the Justice Department and all of his employees?

Absolutely. He owes his party NOTHING! He owes his staff who busted their asses to clean up baby Trump’s mess something. And what that is will be peace of mind once they leave the office. His administration had ZERO indictments while Trump had 4 HIMSELF and his administration was filled with crooks. To say this clown car of criminals were prosecuted was just NOT TRUE.


13.               Who do you miss most this Christmas?


My parents and those aunts and uncles of that greatest generation that shaped me as a person. Everyday I try to live up to their standards. Some days I do and some days I don’t but I sure as hell try.





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