Thursday, March 13, 2025

The LuLac Edition #5, 269, March 13th, 2025



Our 13 Questions logo.

1.   You seem very busy with your blog.  Challenging or fun?


Both. It is head spinning. There is so much to work with. Plus, the blessing and/or curse is that our hits are going through the roof. As an example, February with 28 days finished 100 reads behind January which had 31 days. Plus, one day we had over 1500 readers. It energizes me to see that closing in on twenty years, we are still a viable resource.


2.   What do you think of robot umpires?

Not a fan. I think it takes the human factor out of the game. Plus, it further divides baseball through the decades. It is divided enough by comparing eras and seems to me unfair to past generations that were victims of blown calls.


3.   Why do you insist on calling our President, Donald J. Trump a pig President? Don’t you realize you’re sinking to his level?

I never called any President in my lifetime (13 of them) a pig except him. I was introduced to the media via Ike and JFK. Thought LBJ was a great domestic President, Covered Nixon during Watergate on WVIA FM. Voted for Ford, covered Carter and thought he’d be treated kindly by history,  thought Reagan connected well in crucial matters, voted for Bush 41, respected Clinton’s political skills, disagreed with Bush 43 but saw how well he respected the office, thought Obama was inspiring if ineffectual at sometimes and thought Biden, if not for weak kneaded egotistical Senators like Manchin and  Sinema could have got more things done than even FDR. With Trump, how I’m just trying to keep up with the nicknames and pig seems to fit.


4.   What did you think of that convicted killer getting killed by a firing squad in Carolina?


To each his own. But seriously it’s the easy way out. The electric chair would fry him like an egg, but with the firing squad he’d have a hood, and a target on his chest. I’m for the death penalty so as long as the appeals process was fair, as the kids used to say, “see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya”.



5.   Alec Baldwin the reality show. Interested?




6.   Favorite Lent foods?

Batter fried fish, pizza and those big as chowder clams.


7.   Thoughts on our new Senator Dave McCormick?


A lazy slug who brought his seat. We traded a good man who chaired a crucial committee on Aging, brought in money to this state and had  the interests of middle class people rather than fat cat lazy billionaires like himself.  Gives slugs a bad name.


8.   What do you think of the two NBC shows on Sunday night, Tom Hank’s America and Suits?


I might be showing   my age here, but I like Hank’s program. It is extremely educational and entertaining. As for “Suits”. The last thing I want to see is lawyers screwing each other, figuratively and otherwise.


9.   I didn’t see you striving in the Wilkes-Barre St. Patrick’s Day parade for the NAACP. Why not?

I am still a member of the organization but no longer on the Executive Committee. I was a spectator this year, not a participant,


10.               Did you hear about the lady who returned a book to a library after 99 years. I bet that was a big bill. Thoughts?

It was her grandfather’s book. The book was called “Making Toys for Boys and Girls”. Her grandfather died in 1926. In today’s cost the fine would have been $18 grand.  The library staff was thrilled to get it back.


11.               Any special meals or plans on St. Patrick’s Day for the Slovak boy?

This coming weekend we’re making corned beef and cabbage and veggies. Then on Monday the 17th I am going to the Greater Pittston Friendly Sons Diner with our Mayor. Mr. Brown is going to give a proclamation to Mayor Lombardo at the dinner.


12.               Do have stocks in this volatile market?


Yep. Thins were going swell under Biden but the GOP lie machine, the morons who believed them and the scatter brain approach by Trump himself has worried even the big shot on Wall Street.  America needs stability not chaos. But I’m glad those idiots who voted for Trump are paying the price just like the rest of us. Too bad the stupid kneelers in front of the Trump throne have to take us down with THEM, the uniformed, racist and ungrateful voters.


13.               Did you ever think you’d see the day when Measles became a health crisis?

No. But when you have irresponsible dumb ass parents in Texas not vaccinating their kids because they believe jerks like RFK Junior and Greg Abbott, and adults who never got it, I’m not surprised. We are, as a nation, decaying from within in almost every aspect. It’s a shame.



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