Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 186, October 15th, 2024



I don’t have the chance to listen to Sue Henry’s program on WILK during the day because I’m at work. My radio is usually tuned into classical music. But on Sunday morning, WILK aired a rebroadcast of the second hour of her program.

I get up most days at 6am and lay in bed listening to the radio before I make a move to have my feet hit the floor at 645AM. Sue had two guests on. The first person she had on was Cliff Maloney Junior who was talking about Pennsylvania Chase whose mission is when it comes to mail-in ballots, Pennsylvania Democrats are beating Republicans 80-to-20 going into Election Day. We cannot allow them to run up the score if we have any hope of winning in 2024. Maloney articulated his mission, and Sue did her due diligence asking the proper questions. My take on the interview was this; even though the Democrats have a big edge in mail ins, this effort was a legitimate voting outreach program that got more people involved.

The next guest was Olivia Troye. She was/is a lifelong Republican who left the White House in August of 2020. Her reasoning was Trump weakened our standing on the world stage, damaged our institutions at home, and restricted our freedoms. He endangers our allies, says he’d allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to “do whatever the hell” he wants to them, and has threatened to withdraw the United States from NATO.  Sue asked a couple of pointed questions and Troye defended her decision logically.

In a world that existed in what seems like ions ago, Sue did her job by bringing both sides to the airwaves fulfilling her responsibility as a broadcaster and talk show host. Good radio, right?


After the Troye interview, Sue was bombarded with texts from WILK’s loud, ignorant, little baby snowflakes who called her “a traitor”. “not a Republican” , Troye’s comments as “fake news” and that WILK should get rid of Sue Henry.  The consummate broadcast professional, Sue pushed back with the logic of Chris Wallace and the irony and wit of the late Tom Synder. She called out the ridiculous assumptions of her texters who showed their tendency for being childlike in their behavior.

They are BABY SNOWFLAKES who feel that their opinion is entitled as the ONLY one allowed.

To them I say:

1.    WILK and their hosts are not your personal jukebox where they say/do or play YOUR tunes. 

2.    WILK does not owe you ANYTHING except programming.

3.    Do you EVER wonder why WILK DOESN’T take as many calls on their shows as they used to? It’s because of YOUR behavior and spouting of Trump lies, opinions not formed rationally and plain ignorance of how government works. You might have a voter registration lead in the county, you might five signs festooning your front yards and scream louder than anyone else…………………..but normal, average, fair people are sick and tired of you.

4.    The fact that Sue Henry, a Bush supporter who was invited to the White House, a candidate who stood for election under your banner is now “a traitor” to your party is, well in the words of Hillary Clinton, “deplorable”.

5.    My uncle and some of my families were involved in politics on both sides of the aisle.  The two basic rules of engagement in politics were:

a.    You don’t attack the family of the candidate.

b.     You don’t fuck with people’s jobs.

While most of the texters home during the day are living off the government, via Social Security, disability and pensions, it is interesting that you’d want Sue to be taken off the airwaves because of your itty bitty little feelings.

6.    Whatever is motivating these beliefs, old age, racism, sexism, an innate unhappiness so compelling that you don’t want other immigrants who ARE PAYING TAXES and not collecting YOUR Social Security to not get an opportunity is UN-Christian and UN-American. 

7.    But KNOW THIS, the above is not Sue Henry’s problem or OURS.  WE’RE TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!

8.    Your texts reflected who you are at the core. I don’t believe you were like this once before, but your intellect and heart have been stolen by a guy who has little regard for you. You have become SNOWFLAKES and have created a blizzard of unreasonable behavior reminiscent of a child having a tantrum.

9.    Finally, GROW UP or GET OUT! Obviously since you’re so unhappy with the American press, maybe you do belong in a nation that has one opinion: YOURS.





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