Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The LuLac Edition #86, Nov 8, 2006



Every federal and state election always brings to mind, at least for me, the Father of the Constitution and our fourth President, James Madison. He was a strong advocate of a new constitution, one that would overcome that divisiveness. At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, Madison's draft of the Virginia Plan, and his revolutionary three-branch federal system became the basis for the American Constitution of today. Madison envisioned a strong federal government that would be the umpire that could overrule the mistaken actions of the states; later in life he came to admire the Supreme Court as it started filling that role.
The national results where the Democrats took control of the House, the Senate within reach as of this writing and a Republican President gives every citizen an indication of just how precious the system of checks and balances are. The political wars are fueled by the votes of its citizens, citizens are lobbyied to give a majority power, but because of the Constitution, not absolute power. After all the shouting has died down, now the governing begins. Many national pundits say that now “gridlock” will occur in anticipation of the 2008 Presidential race. It better not, the problems we face are too many. The system of checks and balances is alive and well after this election, our democracy is the envy of the free world. James Madison’s legacy lives on.



The impressive win of Ed Rendell over Lynn Swann is telling. Rendell carried more areas of the state than he did in 2002 and did it with relish and panache. Rendell’s strengths are his likeability and total command of subjects great and small. A few days before the election, Rendell presented a check to the people at Mohegan Sun regarding his gambling initiative. Rendell talked about how good gambling would be for the economy and property tax reduction but then went on a riff about the horse racing industry, the numbers it brought into the state and even atalogued for those in attendance the names and breeding statistics of famous race horses now out to stud in the Commonwealth. The man has an amazing mind, boundless energy and loves what he does. If Ed finishes his second term accomplishments, look for a national run. It is no accident that he brought in Al Gore to stump for the Democratic team the weekend before the election. Rendell showcased Gore as an alternative to Hillary Clinton in 2008. That was no accident, Rendell would be a better running mate for an ex Vice President from the south than a neighboring Senator on the border. Here's the link if you want Rendell wear:


Robert Casey’s win was impressive. I thought for sure the race would be tighter but Casey accomplished much by beating the number 3 man in the Senate with half the money. His style has opened up considerabely since his loss in 2002 to Governor Rendell. Casey has the sincerity and the passion for the common man that his father exhibited. Casey’s speech was punctuated by that theme but perhaps the most telling line was when he talked about the honor of public service. He will be a very effective member of the Senate, with or without a Democratic majority and a national player almost immediately given his credentials as a consefvative Democrat. Casey has made history on two counts, being the only duly elected United States Senator from northeastern Pennsylvania and being the first Democrat elected to the Senate for a full term since 1962. (Joseph Clark won a second term in that election, Harris Wolford later won a special election in 1991 to succeed the late John Heinz.)


Rick Santorum’s concession speech was very moving and eloquent. Santorum really believed what he was saying and what he meant. If he were representing a southern, more conservative state, he’d have won but this is moderate Pennslvania. National conservatives are already touting him as a Presidential chalenger in 2008 to John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. But in reality, Santorum can write his own ticket once he licks his wounds, and gets his bearings. His finest moment was when he asked his partisan crowd to give Mr. Casey a hand. Reluctantly they did at the Senator’s behest.


Amazing turn of events for Don Sherwood. The Casey family couldn’t beat him, he was supposedly unstoppable. Not now. Chris Matthews from MSNBC said, “Scranton has an Irish Congressman again!” It will be interesting to see how well Carney is embraced by the new Democratic House leadership. Sherwood’s career ends in a cloud. Given his more than twenty years as a School Director and 8 as a Congressman, that is unfortunate.


Leonardi handled himself honorably and with good humor in a lost cause. Too bad there’s not a GOP party in Luzerne County where he can possibley win a race with his talent and poise.


Eddie Day Pashinski becomes the new state Representative in the 121rst. He ran a positive campaign, had slick mailings and seemed to do everything right. His challenger Kristine Katsock brought up some legitimate points in this campaign.
She, like Leonardi is an attractive candidate. She uses all of her resources at her disposal to the max. The problem is she belongs to an non existent party in Luzerne County. I laughed at loud when I saw the so called chairwoman of the Luzerne County GOP say on TV the other night that they’d try to repeat the success of 2004! The local GOP had nothing to do with the success of the Republicans in ’04. The GOP has no money, no fund raising engine and really leaves something to be desired when providing a ground game. Where were the GOP workers at the polling places on Election Day? Didn’t see one in my ward. GOP winners in the county like Medico, Dysleski and Stankus won their races on their own. Candidates like Katsock and Leonardi need to either change parties or build a personal organization from the ground up including disaffected Democrats in order to succeed. The local GOP only gets in the way. Katsock did not lose this race on her own, the inability of the local GOP to mobilize years before when they could’ve rode the successful tide of the Riidge administration in Harrisburg and the Bush administration in D.C. was a determining factor. A winning candidate, a winning year can do wonders. In the late 80s and 90s on the Statewide level, no Democrats held state row offices. Now in 2006, only Tom Corbett is the sole GOP office holder. It can be done but you need a plan, not lip service that will let good candidates die on the vine.


FRANK ANDREWS: No surprise. If he shows up for work, he’ll have a nice career.
PHYLLIS MUNDY: Another win over a non existant candidate, Barzini, er, Cordara.
KAREN BOBECK: Good win, now she needs to articulate more of what she plans to do.
JOHN YUDICHAK: Huge win. Positive effort. Good Congressional timber if you ask me.
KEN SMITH: Restaurant going on E Bay? I’ll miss the meatloaf.
MIKE CARROLL: Swamped his foe. Look for a long, successful career.

Caught sight and sound of a sound truck traveling through the streets of Greater Pittston Election Day. Had not seen that since I was a kid.


Sue Henry’s night time wrapup on WILK plus team reporting gives you an indication why WILK is the news leader in this area........
PCN had this tall reporter by the name of “Kat” doing standups in one of their locations. I once knew a “Kat”, there was this bachelor party and………………
WYOU and WNEP TV did good coverage on Election night. Thought WBRE’s efforts with Joe Holden, Amy Bradley, Jeff Chirico, Carmen Grant and the gang did a superior job with their wrap around coverage of the events of the day……..
The most interesting political coverage was WLYN TV 35’s post newscast program with Don Pachance, Al Zoby, a local Democratic party hack, WLYN Anchor Doug Farley and L.A. Tarone. The show aired at 530pm and Zoby was carrying water for the Democratic ticket. Tarone of course was having none of it and the exchanges were comical. Zoby at one point scoffed at the notion that Tarone’s TV show was in fact just that, Tarone told him to get his own program. This progam beat anything seen on Hardball.


New York Senator Chuck Schumer deserves a great deal of credit for recruiting viable candidates to take back the Senate. He got Casey for Pennsylvania, McCaskell in Missouri, the crew cutted Tester in Montana and Brown in Ohio. His efforts gave Democrats an opportunity to present candidates who could provide a fighting chance.


When GOP governor George Pataki (who spoke at Wilkes College) decided not to run for reelection in 2006 in New York, no one could foresee that his exit would also take the party with him. No GOP party member won on Tuesday in New York statewide. The cult of personality? Maybe.


Former California Governor and Mayor of Oakand Jerry Brown won election as California State Attorney General. Brown ran for President in 1992 and campaigned in our area.


Democrat Bill Ritter defeated Congressman Bob Beauprez Tuesday in the hotly contested race to become Colorado's 41st Colorado governor. If you remember, former local resident Marc Holtzman attempted a run for Governor in Colorado against Beauprez but pulled out when he did not get enough signatures to qualify. Holtzman’s forces never really embraced the GOP nominee and that in part could be the reason for the Democratic win. The last Democratic Governor in Colorado was Roy Romer, who also was Democratic Party chair.


Here’s a rundown of PCN’s TV schedule for today which will give you all the highlights of Election Day 2006 in Pennsylvania:

9:00 AM
Election Night 2006 Coverage

1:00 PM
Sen. Rick Santorum Concession Speech

1:15 PM
Bob Casey, Jr. Victory Speech

1:40 PM
Gov. Ed Rendell Victory Speech

1:55 PM
Lynn Swann Concession Speech

2:10 PM
Sen. Rick Santorum Concession Speech

2:25 PM
Bob Casey, Jr. Victory Speech

2:50 PM
Gov. Ed Rendell Victory Speech

3:05 PM
Lynn Swann Concession Speech

3:20 PM
Sen. Rick Santorum Concession Speech

3:35 PM
Bob Casey, Jr. Victory Speech

4:00 PM
Gov. Ed Rendell Victory Speech

4:15 PM
Lynn Swann Concession Speech

4:30 PM
Sen. Rick Santorum Concession Speech

4:45 PM
Bob Casey, Jr. Victory Speech

5:10 PM
Gov. Ed Rendell Victory Speech

5:25 PM
Lynn Swann Concession Speech

5:45 PM
Weather World - LIVE

6:00 PM
PCN Tours Andover Industries
Meadville, PA

6:35 PM
PCN Tours All-Clad Cookware
Canonsburg, PA

7:00 PM
PCN Call-In, Post-Election Analysis - LIVE
Terry Madonna, Franklin & Marshall College
Berwood Yost, Franklin & Marshall College

8:00 PM
Election 2006, Senate-Elect Bob Casey, Jr.
Scranton, PA


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