Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The LuLac Edition #335, Oct. 30th, 2007



So it's Tuesday night, I'm bone tired, went out to dinner last night to fete my sister in law's birthday, stayed up late to see the Packers win an overtime game against Denver, (by the way Brett Farve is back!!!) worked a full day plus an hour of overtime, ran errands, went to see my mom and visit and then picked up some books at the warehouse for back orders. As Dr. Joe Leonardi e mailed me, "I am one busy guy". So I get home, grab the Red Lobster leftovers from last night, check the e mail and get a phone call. Thinking it is someone from Rutgers calling Mrs. LuLac for a donation, I reached for the phone and asked her if she was available. Before I got an answer from her, the voice on the other end introduced himself.

Them: Is this Mr. David Yonki?
Me: Yes it is.
Them: Would you like to participate in a short one question political question?
Me: Sure.
Thinking it was a late night Tom Leighton or Greg Skrepenak question, I was ready. Instead, I got this.

Hello, my name is David Bossi, perhaps you've seen me on Fox News. I am just finishing up a documentary movie that will save this country from the left leaning, power grubbing, over financed campaign of Hillary Clinton. In association with former Clinton adviser, Dick Morris, I am going to present a documentary that will rescue us from the liberal policies of the Clintons. Watch for it in theatres soon. Our mission is to save our country and destroy the careers of Senator and President Clinton who will put this country on the road to ruin. Now, one of my associates will get on the line and ask you an important question that is vital to our survival of our country. Thank you.

After that, a young man gets on the line and is totally unprepared to answer my questions, like the name of the movie. He couldn't do it. So I unload on him. Then I fear he'll hang up. I pull back and proceed.

Me: Okay, let's take a step back, can you give me the name of the man making the documentary and the organization he represents. By the way, I'm sorry I snapped at you, I had a long day.
Them: No problem Mr. Yonki. The name of the man is David Bossi,
Me: How do you spell that?
Them: B o s s i.
Me: Thanks.
Them: You're welcome. Mr. Bossi is associated with Citizens United, a good government group committed to telling the truth about America.
Me: That's great, just what we need. The name of the group again?
Them: Citizens United.
Me: Thanks.
Them: You're welcome. Mr. Yonki, let me ask you the question for the survey.
Me: Sure, go ahead.
Them: Mr. Yonki, do you think if Hillary Clinton became President she will support our troops overseas?
Me: Without a doubt, I think Senator Clinton would be the best President we can have in these unsettling times. I believe she will support the troops, bring them home safely and restore the foreign policy relationships ruined and besmirched by this President currently in office.
Them: Oh.
Me: Surprised?
Them: Well, your entitled to your opinion.
Me: Yes I am and I voice that opinion every day on a blog/website. I try to be fair but you people might call me one of those left leaning, liberal bloggers kissing up to the Democrats and destroying this country with our views on free speech and "live and let live". Mr. Bossi used the words "destroy" in terms of Mrs. Clinton's reputation. If he wants a war, he's got one because I will do everything in my power to counter all the malicious charges he and his fascist right wing group intends to make on the Clintons or any other Democrat. Do I make myself clear?
Them: Everyone has an opinion sir.
Me: Yes they do and tonight, what's your name again?
Them: Matt.
Me: Matt, right, and tonight you picked a guy with a forum to fight the crap that Mr. Bossi represents. See you at the war! Have a great night.
Them: Yeah.


At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did Dick Morris turn on the Clintons? After he was disgraced and proven to be a complete jerk by his involvement with a protitute who he allowed to eavesdrop on calls with the President or when he joined Fox Noise a channel which is programmed out on my TV? Give em hell, David. They sure did call the wrong guy this time!

At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted a commentary on how to stop Hilary Clinton.

I invite you to read it


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