Sunday, March 30, 2008

The LuLac Edition #450, March 30th, 2008



Late word from the Obama camp (told you they'd tell me when they heard anything!) says that the Senator will hold a town hall meeting at Wilkes College. Here's the info:
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Arnaud C. Marts Center
Wilkes University
274 S. Franklin Street
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Public Doors Open: 9:45 AM
Program: 11:45 AM
Now that time period just so happens to coincide with the Clinton campaign's effort at King's College. Folks, we are no longer a campaign stop in Northeastern Pennsylvania, we have become a political petri dish that will test the preferences and nuances that will be studied nationally. No wonder why the Obama people seemed to be playing it close to the vest. This event, pits Wilkes against King's, the Obama people vs the Clinton people. No straddling the fence on this one, no curiosity seekers welcome either. If you like one, you can't wait until later to take a gander at the other side. Given the crowds, you might not make the Clinton event at 2:30PM if you choose Obama. Same time, different place. Stand up and be counted. A showdown!
My prediction: like this race, both campaigns will work like the devil to pack the gyms. The outcome: a tie. But what a way for the national media and all media to examine this campaign.
See you all at HIGH NOON Tuesday! April 1rst, 2008. Someplace. No foolin' either!


At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kings Gym seats about double compared to Wilkes' Gym. Guess Clinton's team got the upper hand in scheduling. Neither one wanted to cough up the bucks for the arena? Would have been a better move for Obama, who is still a curious figure in this area. Clinton seems to have more support in this area since she's well known from her visits with Bill. I notice the radio has Obama ads in the area, but haven't heard any Clinton ones. Casey's endorsement is big for him, and I can believe it's payback for the late Gov Casey being shunned in the Clinton years. PA could be Clinton's downfall dispite the Gov & Nutter's endorsement. I'm inclined to go with Clinton, but Obama is still a mystery that needs further evaluation.

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sure this isn't an April Fool's prank?

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Gort said...

The April fool will be Bob Novack at Wilkes later in the day.

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Dave,great take on the battle of the campaign. This is one of the best races ever!

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kings Gym seats about double compared to Wilkes' Gym. Guess Clinton's team got the upper hand in scheduling. Neither one wanted to cough up the bucks for the arena? Would have been a better move for Obama, who is still a curious figure in this area.

I think Obama is trying to use smaller venues in order to hold more intimate events where people can ask questions. But like you, I question the strategy, and part of me says the more people who get to see him, the better. I guess he's trying to limit the big rallies in favor of smaller townhalls so people who come have a better opportunity to get to know him and see that he knows his stuff with regard to policy, and that he's not an empty suit. I guess we'll see how the strategy works out in a few weeks.

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary lied again. See the truth of HRC's NAFTA history:


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