The LuLac Edition #488, June 1st, 2008

Democratic Party leaders agreed Saturday seat Michigan and Florida delegates with half votes into this summer's convention with a compromise that left Barack Obama on the verge of the nomination but riled Hillary Rodham Clinton backers who threatened to fight to the August convention. Clinton's camp maintains she was entitled to four additional Michigan delegates. The decision by the party's Rules Committee raised slightly the total delegates Obama needs to clinch the nomination. Clinton advisers conceded privately he will likely hit the magic number after the final primaries are held Tuesday night, but said the ruling threatened to dash any hopes of a unified party. In the meantime, Senator Clinton romped in the Puerto Rico primary adding more delegates and popular votes.
The local supporters of Senator Clinton appear to be solid in their continued support for the New York Senator. Local politicos Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty, Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds Evie Refalko McCnulty, Congressman Paul Kanjorski and Chris Carney of the 11th and 10th districts, Luzerne County Commisasioner Maryann Petrilla and the top dogs, Governor Rendell and Ltn. Governor Katherine Baker Knoll have not budged in their support of Mrs. Clinton who won as mentioned earlier the Puerto Rico primary.
You know it had to come sometime. Vanity Fair is reporting that former President Bill Clinton is misbehaving on the road in the absence of his wife. The Clinton people and in particular the former President are denying the allegations. Let’s face it, Clinton, because of his past dalliances is a huge target. That said, Vanity Fair’s reporting has been pretty accurate so we’ll just have to see how this one plays out. So far, Fox News is the only news network reporting on this story.
only democrats can award delegates to someone who was not on the ballot. they based their decisoin to give Sen. Obama delegates based on EXIT polling.
The Democratic party is run by dunces.
LOyalty among local Dems for Hillary. Pretty impresive if you ask me. Some would be jumping ship by now although I must say Casey, Washo and O'Brien aren't looking too dumb now either!
Tuned into WILK today and the Hillary Clinton Show was on at 3PM.
Now that its over, I wonder will Corbett continue the Hillary Show with "Sour Grapes" or will we move on? Let me guess...
Hang in there Hillary.Right to the bitter end. Scranton still loves you. As usual local politicians backed the wrong horse
and its still circling the track long after the stands are empty and the "race" is over! Bet we never see her Ladyship in NEPA again. Thats ok, we wouldnt have seen hide nor hair of her if she had won. Guess Doherty wont be Ambassador to the Vatican after all.
here's the bottom line, there has to be a nominee and it isn't going to be hillary clinton. even with all the teeth gnashing and unhappy women in the party, she has lost the race. face it.
Bill was a big help this time around. Sooner or later he would have gotten caught with a chippie and embarrassed the hell out of her again so its just as well. As long as the nxt pres isnt named Bush or Clinton, I think its a plus for America unless of course its McBush/McCain. Meanwhile, ByeBye Billary!
Does anyone care that this New Sheriff Savokinas knows nothing about his office and procedure?
Does anyone know that Chief Guarnieri runs the department along with a deputy who just barely was hired a year and has his fingers on everyone's pulse's? including the workers and procedure.
Does anyone know that Chief Guarnieri's wife is on the payroll as a Notary for notary work that includes includes foreclosures or any thing that need notorization? Instead of using someone within the office? Does anyone know that the deputies that were hired by the former Sheriff are being retaliated against because of their party? And I might say that at least the last Sheriff watched the budget, watched out for the welfare of the tax payers money, saved money for the county. This new Sheriff "Savokinas" comes in and thinks that he has the California Highway Patrol and has spent taxpayers dollars for new uniforms and wasted taxpayers money on changing the color of the county sheriff vehicles. Also, does anyone know that Chief Guarnieri uses an automobile for his own personal use outside of work/county? I think this should be investigated. Since the judges and many others are accused of misuse of county money, why shouldn't the tax payers know this. Again misuse of money and power. Do the tax payers know anything of this? It's time we become aware of just how bad it is in Luzerne County and it just keeps getting worse. Please elaborate. Luzerne County is in sad shape in more ways than we know.
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