The LuLac Edition #557, August 30th, 2008

First off, I’ve always liked and admired Joe Biden. Second, I’ve always enjoyed the City of Scranton. My time working up there was simply wonderful and the friendships I made there as well as the clients and businesses I frequented are still a part of my life. Thirdly, I truly enjoy the show “The Office” on NBC. I think the show has done right by Scranton, promoting the city without making it seem like a place time forgot and giving back to it by participating in the events planned by the Electric City residents. With that all said, did you notice that during the convention all you seemed to hear was the phrase “Joe Biden was born in Scranton and lived here until he was ten”. What would happen I wondered if the crack staff of writers at “The Office” included Biden in some of the episodes. If I may, here are my humble ideas.
The national press along with Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden who was born in Scranton and lived here until he was ten converge on the city. Mrs. Biden is along for the tour of the Shrute Beet Farm to explore the aspects of Lackawanna County agriculture. Mose Shrute, Dwight’s cousin mistakes Mrs. “Drop dead gorgeous” Biden for a mail order bride he was waiting for from South Dakota. He whisks her away to the Mid Valley and after a wild chase, the Secret Service find the two in front of the Archbald Wrecking Company chomping on wings from “The Windsor Inn”.
Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden who was born in Scranton and lived here until he was ten invites a former President with him to a tour of the Dunder Mifflin facility to explain why jobs should be kept in the U.S. Michael Scott takes charge of the tour and as the former President and Biden enter the break room, Scott says “The coffee in here will kill ya!!” and he is thrown into custody by the officials. Biden, who knew Michael Scott’s family because after all he did grow up in Scranton follows to straighten things out. In the excitement, the door locks behind them. Meanwhile Pam is getting hot chocolate and encounters the former President. Jim Halpert, Pam’s boyfriend is concerned when he sees the two together and begins to get jealous. No harm done though because Pam invites the former Prez to be a member of “The Finer Things” club and the two discuss everything from classical music to the various usage for quality cigars.
Andy, Angela’s new boyfriend being threatened by the frozen cat murdered by Dwight removes it from her fridge to the Bob Vance Refrigeration Company. Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden who was born in Scranton and lived here until he was ten tours the plant. Vance Refrigeration has fallen on hard times due to the downturn in housing and he had his power cut off. A foul odor fills the room from one of the powerless refrigeration units and mayhem ensues.
Governor Rendell and Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden who was born in Scranton and lived here until he was ten are riding the Guv’s Bus when Big Ed gets the munchies. The bus pulls into a Dunkin’ Donuts. As the two politicos enter the establishment, Kelly is exiting the lady’s room. Biden shouts directly to her“Two sugars and a glazed here for me and my friend”. It of course gets on YOU TUBE. Kelly rides the event to fame becoming the “Bob Barr Girl”.
Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden who was born in Scranton and lived here until he was ten was supposed to leave on a bus tour from the Electric City to Harrisburg. But Tony Rodham, Steve Corbett and Andy Bernard fool with the GPS device and the bus winds up in Bethel, New York. After the harrowing experience, Biden decides to take a bus back to Wilmington to hang with his “drop dead gorgeous wife”. On the way home he encounters Creed who is returning from a Woodstock Planning Committee Reunion. Briefcases are mixed up between the two and a scandal ensues when Biden is found in possession of an unknown leafy substance and 12 Grass Roots CDs. In the closing scene, Creed is shown meeting with Russian leader Putin.
OK, great, everybody's thrilled about the team each party assembled. New faces. Hope. Change. Bull$hit. On the surface, they can say want they want. how much change do you think is going to happen? You're a fool to think wholesale change will happen, since the Govt system is very deep, and change is not as easy as it sounds. For either party to make these changes "for the better" takes time, transition, and replacement. In the mean time, nothing changes, and once the incoming party grasps reality, it becomes known- More of the same. Talk to people within the beltway...
Hey Dave, great satire. You better get it copywritten because those dolts that call themselves tv writers will lift every idea you put forth.
Larksville Larry
Oh My God, my favorite one has to be Bus Stop. You are the best Yonki. Funny and true.
I just found this blog. WOW!! This is something else. I especially like Pam and the Prez. I'm assuming your books are in the stores locally, right? Politics is fun the way you present it.
Good morning David: I am laughing my ass off here. Wonderful parody of Scranton, Biden, politics, the TV industry and politics. You are one crazy and creative dude! Gotta meet you sometime!
Hatchet Man/Local Bishop Martino
would not permit Joe (born in Scranton and lived here for ten years) Biden to receive communion due to his pro choice stance according to the Voice of the Catholic Church/the Scranton Times!
Only the Catholic Church would work against one of its own becomming Vice President. Must be why weve still had only one Catholic President. Martino out-sleazed the sleaziest of politicians in his closing of parishes and refusal to even talk to School Teachers and their representatives.I somehow imagine Jesus would have at least explained things to his followers. This guy wouldnt know the high road if he parked on it in by mistake! Yet he gets to sit on a throne, wear a big silly hat and dictate how others should live and die. Little wonder the Catholic Church is in well deserved trouble today.
Long Gone Catholic
Yonk: How about Kevin pestering Biden to have his band play when the Obama/Biden team gets sworn in?
Bobblehead Bush and Darth Vader Cheney have found an excuse not to attend a convention that wants desperately to distance itself from them. Unlike last time when both had better things to do, and Brownie was doin a bang up job, they will both be on intensive hurricane watch this week. They wanna go out on a high note I guess. Show the country and the weather who's in charge! Meanwhile the people in New Orleans and the surrounding areas scream out in fear, "Dont send FEMA! We can endure the storm but not FEMA."
Taylor Jack
As a fan of the Office, I have to tell you this satire was spot on. The best episode was the one where Creed and Biden mix up brief cases. This might not seem so far fetched, we saw Josh Hodell on the Office last year, why not a Steve Corbett or a Sue Henry or even a Daniels or Webster? THey used to listen to 107 in the second season so why not. Good post today. Funny as all get out!
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