Saturday, September 20, 2008

The LuLac Edition #577, Sept. 20th, 2008


A Scranton resident proudly told a New York Times reporter that he would not vote for a black man for President. I mean give the guy a tiny bit of credit, he said it out loud. But if you’re the Chamber of Commerce and want to build on the Scranton Cosmopolitan style they’re trying to promote, this isn’t going to help. Racial misgivings could cause problems for the Obama/Biden ticket and make this election closer than it should be. An AP-Yahoo poll, and wait until you read this folks, says that one third of white Democratic voters have negative attitudes towards blacks characterizing them as “lazy”, “violent” or responsible for their own fate. Stanford University also helped with the poll and it suggests that race could make the difference in the 2008 race and make the margin thinner than in 2004.
The poll is a hard dose of reality for the Democrats. You can’t counter it with an ad because it is an inbred attitude. It is beyond me how an energetic Harvard educated man who brought himself up in the world can be characterized as “lazy”. Do these voters think once Obama becomes President he’s going to kick back with a couple of forties and hang out in the Rose Garden and let Biden do everything? What is disturbing about this is the fact that voters will lump their prejudices in one big pile and transfer it to the obvious exception to that negative perception. If I’ve said this once, I’ll say it another hundred times, some Americans shouldn’t vote. They’re too prejudiced or in this case too dumb to discern perception vs. reality. This election will not hinge on the hockey moms or the undecided, it’ll depend on whether the already decided, come of the woodwork like the guy in Scranton and not only tell the New York Times but the world, “I’m ignorant, I’m prejudiced, and I’m proud of it”. And unfortunately for us, then they’ll vote.


Many thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer Political Page Editor Nathan Gorenstein for linking LuLac to their site. It’s a blog called CAPITOL CONFIDENTIAL. Here’s the link:


At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yonki, could not have said it better myself. And you know, I think this lack of experience slant against Barack is just another way of saying "no black President please!"

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...experience slant against Barack is just another way of saying "no black President please!"

Oh puleeese...leave the race card in the deck.

Unless you find it untenable to accept that some of us just have preferences, or choices, or just don't feel like the candidate attracts us, period.

Are you already setting up the whine rack?

Like the guy from Scranton, some things are better left unsaid.

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yonks, "Some Americans shouldnt vote."
Pete: Right On! "Some should not be allowed to vote!" The statement itself represents the reverse of the system we value so much. Its one of those great paradoxes, aint it? But its true.
"I'm ignorant and proud of it and intend to demonstrate that fact at every opportunity no matter what may be right or wrong or what effect it might have on the welfare of others", is not a good basic voting agenda to my mind.

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read this for a reasoned "why" I'm rethinking my support.

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course race is an issue, it is naive to think it isn't. just look at the role ethnicity has played over the years. if the Casey family was not of Irish decent do you think they would get the support they do in Scranton?

It is what it is.. it may be sad, it is definitely wrong, but it is nothing new.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if you won't vote for BarackO you're racist? What would you call it if you'd rather vote for a black male than a white female? Racist? Sexist?

Believe it or not, there are more -isms alive and well in this country than you could shake a stick at.


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