Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The LuLac Edition #2009, April 4th, 2012

Mitt Romney looking as happy as a Chevrolet with two car elevators.


Last night, Mitt Romney accumulated half of the delegates he needs to be the GOP nominee. Romney pulled off a hat trick winning in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia. This sweep means Romney is half way home toward the nomination. According to The Associated Press’s delegate tally, Mr. Romney had 646 delegates, Mr. Santorum had 272, Newt Gingrich had 135 and Representative Ron Paul had 51. With Newt Gingrich saying now he is going to concentrate on platform language at the convention instead of delegates and Ron Paul not having scored one win anywere, all that is stopping Romney is Rick Santorum. At a rally in Mars Pennsylvania tonight, Santorum put up a rave fight but there wasn’t even local TV coverage of the event. And with the GOP coalescing around Romney, from Tea Party types to party regulars, it looks like Santorum’s days as a candidate might be numbered. Santorum's last, best hope for a comeback would be in his home state of Pennsylvania, which votes on April 24. There's some evidence, however, that his support could be waning even there: A recent poll out of Pennsylvania showed Santorum with just a narrow, two-point lead. With Romney’s money and backing from statewide party leaders here in the Commonwealth, those two points can vanish in a New York minute. Romney emerged from the evening with substantial gains in delegates and a growing perception that he was winning over previously reluctant elements of the party. In winning the main battleground of Wisconsin, Mr. Romney led among strong Tea Party supporters and ran closely with Mr. Santorum among those who consider themselves to be very conservative and among evangelical Christians, according to exit polls. Romney won in Wisconsin by 42% to Santorum’s 37% and in Maryland with 49% to Santorum’s 29%. N the District of Columbia, election results showed Romney with 70 percent of the vote, Ron Paul was second with 12 percent, and Newt Gingrich had 11 percent. Rick Santorum was not on the ballot in the district.


At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Classy move on the part of the
Scranton School Board on the appointment to the vacant seat. Clearly a done deal long before the dog and pony show put on the other night. The fix was in and the message clearly sent, business as usual in Scranton. No wonder we get frustrated in the Lacka! Same as it ever was. The job went to the ultimate political insider who should not even have been a candidate due to past alliances and connections with the board! Not to mention that 81 is a tad old to be appointed to anything!
I am not in favor of age discrimination, but come on. Lets not go looking for new faces and new ideas. That around here is considered very dangerous. Scranton
is not interested in change. Never has been and the beat goes on and the the taxes go up and the same people make the same mistakes an we wonder why we get screwed. In the end there is only one solution, Blow it up and start all over again.



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