Friday, July 08, 2016

The LuLac Edition #3243, July 8th, 2016

(Photo: The
The event in Dallas last night was a tragedy but one that unfortunately we are becoming numb to. We still haven’t gotten to full numbing because there is always a twist in the narrative. This time the victims were people who are assigned to protect us. The Police.
The attacks are going to cause shock waves through the law enforcement community. The police were not shot in street warfare, they were essentially attacked by a coward who found comfort behind an anger and misguided feeling that he was accomplishing something of consequence.
We won’t write this wretched loser’s name as it is our policy. But it is instructive to point out what he did and the ramifications of it.
1. He did not help the Black Lives Matter Movement one bit. The racists in this country will point to his attacks as those of someone wanting to just even the score.
2. His attacks on family men were just as bad as the police misadventures against black people killed through the years. Lives were changed, lost forever.
3. This may help start a conversation about race in this county. At least that’s what people are saying. But I have no faith in the attention span of the America people regarding guns, violence or race.
However if there is movement, this guy deserves no credit. Only condemnation for his crimes.
In the end the Police will be buried, the killer who was blown to bits will be just a footnote in our violent history and about a month from now, we will be hard pressed to remember the details of this tragic summer weekend.
I hope I’m proven wrong but hardly expect to be.


Campaign officials said they’ll reschedule. But I’m sure there are callers to local talk radio who will blame Biden, Clinton and Obama.
Sue Henry got a call today from a woman who blamed President Obama because under his administration there has been more gun violence and demonstrations than ever before. As always with these loud mouth know it alls, they just had an opinion but no common sense or facts to back them up.
Here’s what the President said and you tell me if he is to blame: (as if he needs defense from a Bertha from Berwick or whatever these people call themselves)


At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think, that with the first mixed race president, this country would be making positive gains in race relations.
It is sad, but it seems almost as bad as the 60s

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In the end the Police will be buried, the killer who was blown to bits will be just a footnote in our violent history and about a month from now, we will be hard pressed to remember the details of this tragic summer weekend.
I hope I’m proven wrong but hardly expect to be. "

You are very wrong. There is a race war coming to this country. A war fueled by decades of oppression and repression and hate and anger.

Every radio market has their own LA Tarone and Steve Corbett; preaching hatred and vitriol. Using violent imagery disguised as dialogue, people are listening and people are responding.

The Tarones believes it is okay to use racist terms in everyday life, and the Corbetts call for a revolution; it would be funny if they were unique or people weren't so impressionable to take them almost as seriously as they take themselves. But people on both sides hear, and they are listening and they are responding.

The police stop many for driving while black. Their indiscriminate brand of blue justice is now exposed. Those who have suffered are nearly vindicated by video, but when they put their trust in the system...

What trust?
What system?

The system is only fair if you are fair skinned, or wealthy, or politically connected - or, all three.

The corruption is as plain as the nose on a face. From the Director of the FBI who gave a wealthy, politically connected, rich white woman a pass, to the beat cop who choked a poor, unconnected black man to death on the street. It is obvious, white equal innocence; black equal guilty. White person walks unscathed, black person executed with extreme prejudice.

Black Americans have been aware that the system doesn't work for them, and now, so are so many more.

We will have very little trouble remembering; this is when the war starts.

At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden/Hillary was cancelled because Obama was out of the country and Biden stayed in DC in case something happened. Of course Hillary came up with a politically expedient lie about guns. How stupid does she think we are?


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