Sunday, December 03, 2017

The LuLac Edition #3660, December 3rd, 2017


To be clear. THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL PARTY has disqualified itself from ever complaining about the deficit. The bill passed by The Senate Friday night will put us a trillion dollars more in debt.
These REPUBLICANS who crucified Obama and called themselves deficit hawks have turned into chickens. Men who bitched about Trump, McCain, Flake, and Ms. Collins all were bought and sold by the corporate interests and multi millionaires. Why? Because when it comes down to it, they are tools of the 1%. They talk a good game but when push comes to shove, they revert to cowardly form.
The hysterical thing is that by politically sacrificing themselves, they got 4 hours of credit for their "win". President Trump stole their chest thumping thunder by essentially admitting he knew all about Flynn before he fired Comey. Talk about tripping your runners while they tried for a victory lap!
Prediction, when this goes south because let's face it, business capital is over the top now thanks to the Democratic recovery from 2009...but when this crashes these deficit chickens will return with their mantra about the deficit and blame people on Social Security and Medicare for having "entitlements"as they love to call them.
A tax cut for the rich? Nope they create jobs. Horse shit!
Seniors who worked their whole life? Entitlement.
They will come after us.
Sounds cruel, sounds unbelievable.
Sounds very REPUBLICAN.
28% of the American people think this is a good deal.
The rest who don't should punish THE REPUBLICAN PARTY at the polls in 2018. Don't drink their Kool-Aid and believe their bullshit. (Has anyone heard puny Pat Toomey lately? He made an ass out of himself stuttering and stammering trying to justify this on NPR last week!)
It's only your future, your wallet and your standard of living, which they proved Friday night they don't give a shit about!
Who's with me? Let's put them out of our misery.  


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am!!

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous pope george ringo said...

And the tax breaks for the rich would have never occurred hadn't the middle class elected them and the President. I guess that old phrase of Lincoln's "you can fool some of the people......" will soon be extinct given the increasing stupidity of voters in each election cycle.

At 8:31 AM, Blogger David Yonki said...

And the tax breaks for the rich would have never occurred hadn't the middle class elected them and the President. I guess that old phrase of Lincoln's "you can fool some of the people......" will soon be extinct given the increasing stupidity of voters in each election cycle.


Rather screw themselves than vote for a woman succeeding a black man.


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