Sunday, January 27, 2019

The LuLac Edition #3992, January 27th, 2019


Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro (Photo: LuLac archives)
Senator Bob Casey was on the air today with Fox 56's Chuck Volpe and they were of course discussing politics and policy. Casey made the point that many state Attorney Generals who are Republicans are filing lawsuits that are contested in court and preventing middle class people from getting services from the current administration. Casey warned that pre existing conditions are always at the GOP forefront of knocking legislation down through Courts.
Pennsylvania's AG Josh Shapiro has been adamant about taking on the President regarding his travel ban and immigration. Here's what he wrote recently;
January 27, 2017: President Trump releases his first Muslim travel ban.
Just seven days into his Administration and we’re faced with cowardly attacks against our immigrant community.
January 27, 2019: We’ve fought back –
Blocking Muslim Travel Ban #1
Blocking an illegal citizenship question on the 2020 Census
Fighting family separation practices at the border
Defending the legal rights of DREAMers
Your constitutional rights matter. The rule of law matters. My greatest responsibility lies in protecting these basic truths, enshrined to all Pennsylvanians – no matter what they look like, where they come from, or who they pray to.
It took just 2 weeks for the President to see what would happen when he got in my way of upholding the law. And thanks to you, our work is just getting started.
Shapiro wants people to sign a petition protecting immigrants.


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