Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The LuLac Edition, #4,262, April 15th, 2020


Our "Write On Wednesday" logo.

This week we feature an editorial from Times Shamrock which focuses in on the closing of schools. Given the Coronavirus and its implications on social life and especially education, it is timely.


Much is being sacrificed personally and financially in our national effort to minimize deaths and infections from the coronavirus, but the announcement by Gov. Wolf on Thursday that schools will remain shut for the remainder of the academic year hits especially hard.
For current high school seniors, the pandemic year will always be remembered as the year without a prom and, depending on individual school district decisions, maybe the year without a cap and gown. There will be no spring sports, no winter state champions and none of the special events that make senior year a watershed.
There will be trepidation about summer plans and college placements and regrets over a school year cut short.
But seniors all across the nation will feel the same. More than a dozen states have already shuttered schools for the year and more are likely to follow suit.
Wolf’s tough, but necessary, decision still preserves the essentials. Schools will continue to provide education through online platforms, and, where that is not practical, paper lessons. Districts will distribute free meals for all students who need them.
These are, at best, imperfect solutions. But like every other institution dealing with COVID-19, schools and students will have to make do until the danger passes.
While social distancing measures appear to be having some effect, there is no guarantee there won’t be further disruptions to the academic calendar on the other side of summer.
Still, we have one wish for all the students, teachers and district employees who make our schools central to our sense of community: Hope to see you in September.
ennsylvania’s primary election is coming up on June 2. And of course, this will not be a regular election. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are encouraging every voter to consider voting by mail. It’s easy and by far the safest way to cast your vote.
You shouldn’t have to choose between exercising your right to vote and protecting your health. By voting by mail, you can protect not only yourself, but your loved ones, your neighbors, and your community.


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