Wednesday, May 06, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,284, May 6th, 2020

LULAC @ 14

Today we mark the 14th anniversary of The LuLac Political Letter. The blog wasn’t even supposed to be a political one. When my first book, “A Radio Story” came out it was suggested we write a blog about the making of the book. Our thought was to use it as a promotional vehicle to increase sales.
At the time there were a lot of political blogs around and I noticed that while some of them were very good, but stayed around for a short period of time. Other blogs, especially the media centric ones were loaded with pure hatred and character assassinations.
I thought I could do better in three areas. Consistency, commitment and content. I can say the former two were achieved, the latter subject to debate.
I also felt the need to highlight pop culture and especially focus in on the local people who made politics their calling, both past and present. As we grew, we developed year end features that have become very popular.
In terms of popularity, our most read editions are 13 Questions, Maybe I’m Amazed and our weekly Thursday/Friday editions.
The demeanor has changed especially due to the political climate. While criticized for being anti Trump and now anti national Republican, I plead guilty. With a caveat.
I used to be a voter who would never hesitate to vote for the person, not the party. The actions of the national party and its leadership have radicalized me to the point that I can never, ever see myself voting for any one of them again.
The ironic thing about this is that toward the end of the 2016 campaign I was going to retire LuLac and start a fashion blog for larger men. I felt that with Hillary Clinton in charge, the nation would be safe. That went by the way side as soon as Trump went to the CIA headquarters shortly after being elected.
That stated, here’s where we’re at according to the numbers:
14 years closing in on 4300 editions.
1,384,485 total page views.
9,186 page views a week. 
3 countries make up the bulk of our readership, the United States, Canada and inexplicably Norway.  
The three biggest platforms are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Thanks to our readers, posters, guest writers especially people like Dr. Joe Leonardi and people who check in daily to see our humble take.
We’re on to year #15 and with God’s grace and good health, as the late great Jackie Gleason used to say., “Away we go!”


At 12:28 PM, Blogger Short Story Scribe said...

Congratulations Dave. Honored to be both a subject and a contributor.

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your dedication and excellent work on LULAC. Your wide ranging topics and
opinions bring some sanity to these crazy times.


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