Wednesday, June 03, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,314, June 3rd, 2020


Our “Write On Wednesday” logo

This week’s “Write On Wednesday” comes from a letter writer in Lemoyne that appeared in The Citizens’ Voice. The writer takes to task some of the response to the pandemic from the Governor regarding rural communities.


Rural Pennsylvania took the brunt of COVID-19 business closures. Closing an auto dealer, a gardening center or a small mom-and-pop store is a big deal to a rural community. Farmers took a big hit when closing restaurants led to dumping of milk, eggs and vegetables.
The criteria by which basic shut-down or waiver decisions were made was and still is clothed in darkness. Why were realtors closed in Pennsylvania and not in any other state? Why were the big box stores allowed to keep their retail sales of non-food items going while traditional department stores like Pennsylvania-owned Boscov’s were forced to shutter their doors? Why were coal mining and gun shops first declared to be non-essential and then suddenly re-classified as ‘life-sustaining?’
The process seemed arbitrary with some businesses saved financially and others not. Who made those decisions? Who knows? When methodology for these decisions is hidden, people will see exceptions to the supposed rules and wonder if the decision is political. We saw a backlash even from members of the governor’s own political party given bipartisan votes in the House to reopen certain types of businesses.
In defense of the governor, he had to do something quickly and quick decisions simply had to be made. However, the best public policy is one that is thought through and where everyone believes that there are consistent criteria for making these decisions.
Lack of transparency has made people even more skeptical of our government at a time when people must trust that officials have everyone’s best interest at heart. Credibility is at the heart of our democratic system. In Pennsylvania’s case, that was lost.
Wayne Campbell
Pennsylvania State Grange


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