Tuesday, July 07, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,345, July 7th, 2020


Our “Maybe I’m Amazed” logo.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…….that not once but twice in 24 hours Donald Trump gave two of the most inaccurate and divisive speeches in the country. This President is doubling down on a path that can only destroy this country. It is still amazing to me that 38% of the people still support him.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED..that an egg that is fresh will stay afloat in water but a stale one won’t.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…….that baseball is finally ramping up for a season. This year, if it happens will be an opportunity for just about any decent team to win. What was once an endurance race has now turned into a sprint. The team that gets hot last will prevail.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..it is estimated that the world’s oceans contain 10 billion ton of gold.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that people still don’t get that the real problem with the Trump campaign is this: it is getting to the point where it is tough for even the most ardent Trump supporters to defend him. This never was a political movement because in a movement, there is usually self interest involved. The McCarthy anti war campaign, ’68, self interest, ie the end of the Vietnam War. The Sanders campaign, self interest, free college tuition. Trump’s is not a movement but sadly, rather a cult.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…that tug of war was an Olympic sport in the 1900s.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that it was 50 years ago on the 4th of July that Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 show was started. The program started just as top 40 radio formats were ending but it lasted and stood the test of time. It still exists with Ryan Seacrest but the vintage editions are heard on GEM 104 in this region.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that the Apollo 11 Guidance computer was no more powerful than today’s pocket calculator.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED….but not really that the number one song requested at a funeral is Frank Sinatra's  “My Way”, Written by Paul Anka, the song has been recorded by various artists including Elvis. I knew a parish priest who refused to meet the request telling the dearly departed family that a Catholic life was never Sinatra’s way but God’s.
MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that William Howard Taft was the heaviest President at 329 pounds and James Madison was the lightest at 100 pounds.


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