Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,381, August 19th, 2020


Our “Write On Wednesday” logo. 

Attorney Vinsko with Vice President Biden. 
Attorney Bill Vinsko has been involved in politics for years. He is a very good friend to me and this site. The other night Bill shared his memories of going to the 1992 Democratic convention and how it shaped his idea of what it is to be an American. Bill outlines that time and how he, as most of us thinking people do, want a return to the way things were in the vocation of politics and government in America.
We have lost so much in these last four years, let’s hope we can get some of the good back.


24 years ago this month I had the opportunity to be a part of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. I was on the floor when Bill Clinton accepted the nomination. The best part of the week was having a conversation with JFK Jr and this nice young woman, Carolyn, whom he introduced me to, at his George Magazine party at the Chicago Art museum. That evening I had cocktails with Chris Rock, Oprah Winfrey, John McLaughlin, Jerry Springer, several Baldwin Brothers, Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen and memorable Chicago sports figures. I remember drinking Sam Adams beer for the first time because John Kennedy kept everything in his New England and New York roots. I stayed at the Palmer House Hilton with the PA Delegation. I walk in and see Joe Cosgrove. He was then my con law prof at Kings. The excitement and energy was something I had never witnessed before and never quite felt after. Everyone was excited to vote FOR someone and not AGAINST someone else. My conversations with Kennedy family members and others were about Wilkes-Barre and life in general. I remember flying out on the Friday after the convention ended thinking how strong our democracy was and how exciting it is to be a part of it.
Tonight the Democratic Convention starts. I just hope that the tone is more of a positive future rather than the demonization of the other side. I hope the same for the Republican Convention. I know several people that said they are for Trump in the Wyoming Valley but won’t put a sign in the yard because they are afraid of being treated bad. That’s not right or fair. I know several republicans that have an objection to Biden because he has “dimentia...”. They have no policy objection. That’s not right or fair either.
Let’s hear what both sides are going to DO and what they hope to ACCOMPLISH.
Let’s get back to the civility that was present 24 years ago. It’s not too late.


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