Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,386, August 26th, 2020


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This week’s opinion piece comes from someone who has attacked Vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris. It is the usual boiler plate complaint but what struck me was this paragraph.
Kamala Harris’s father, Donald Harris, a retired Stanford economics professor, wrote an essay titled, “Reflections of a Jamaican Father,” revealing that his paternal grandmother, Christiana Brown, is a descendant of Hamilton Brown, a large plantation owner in Jamaica who owned slaves.
Of course she would have been a descendant of a slave owner because………..WAIT FOR IT, it was typical of masters to have sex with female slaves. THAT’S WHAT THEY DID. Here is the rest of this vapid letter filled with justifications for what we all know this guy believes.
Perhaps this space is better served by critical thinking writers but I like to profile these thoughts from others so we can see them coming.


Editor: Move over Stonewall Jackson. Black Lives Matter and Antifa have another political icon to destroy: Kamala Harris. Liberals should sit down for this.
Kamala Harris’s father, Donald Harris, a retired Stanford economics professor, wrote an essay titled, “Reflections of a Jamaican Father,” revealing that his paternal grandmother, Christiana Brown, is a descendant of Hamilton Brown, a large plantation owner in Jamaica who owned slaves.
That’s bad news for Kamala. Any future statues of her will have to be knocked down. Black Lives Matter and Antifa may be doubly upset to discover that Harris has white European blood. Her father is Irish and Jamaican; her mother Indian.
Harris’ political views are more troubling than her slave-owner ancestry. She favors defunding the police, is a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, is a proponent of Medicare for all, wants free health care for illegal aliens and is radically pro-abortion.
Harris is also accused of helping cover up clergy abuse as San Francisco’s District Attorney. Victims’ groups say Harris sat on abuse cases to curry favor with political donors.
By no means, though, should anyone think this most liberal of all U.S. senators is somehow friendly to good Catholics. In 2018, Harris opined that federal court nominee Brian Buescher should be disqualified from serving on the bench due to membership in the Catholic fraternal organization Knights of Columbus. Why? The Knights are pro-life and against same-sex marriage.
Fake Catholic Joe Biden needn’t worry, though; his radically progressive views fit like a glove with those of his vice president running mate.

Ken Skuba


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