Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The LuLac Edition #4,410, September 29th, 2020



Our “Maybe I’m Amazed” logo.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that if you are white in America and unannounced police come to your house in plainclothes, you can stand your ground. But if you’re block, your girlfriend gets shot to death after 30 rounds of ammo are fired.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that plants like humans can run and fever and get sick.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that both The Eagles and Phillies are simultaneously stinking. Just like the good old days of  my youth.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that the president keeps trying to telegraph fraud by the Democrats in the General Election when in effect it his party undermining the process. Remember friends, Accusation is confession.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that the FBI  and Federal Attorney Fried certainly spilled the beans on the investigation into those ballots at the Luzerne County Election Bureau. What the hell ever happened to, “We cannot comment on an ongoing investigation.”

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that once more Lebron James seems poised to take another NBA team to a title. LeBron is the magic elixir for franchises wanting to come on up.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that puny Pat Toomey has been so very silent on his party’s acquiescence to old Diaper Don. Puny Pat has his eye on the Governor’s seat in 2022.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that some voters will not vote for Biden because of what Governor Tom Wolf did in the early days of the pandemic. All he did was save lives but these “voters” are going with a guy who essentially killed 200,000 Americans.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that old Diaper Don paid $750.00 in business taxes the first year of his Presidency. Wonder how all by friends who own businesses feel about that when they blame the Dems for their high taxes.   

MAYBE I’M  AMAZED….that South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham is crying poverty as many of his former donors are leaving him high and dry. Plus he’s a liar. He dared reporters to call him out if he reneged on his 2016 statement about putting a Justice on the Court in n election year. Scum. 


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