Sunday, March 27, 2022

The LuLac Edition #4, 703, March 27th, 2022


After a medical hiatus, LuLac is back. Thanks to all who sent e mails, made calls and expressed their concern while we were away.

While we were gone, things pretty much didn’t change. Right wing impotent GOP Senators attacked a Supreme court nominee asking imbecilic questions that were an insult to even the thickest American. The GOP thugs like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley proved their racism and sexism.

Trump ass lickers continued to support his line of pure crap. Locally WILK callers came dangerously close to treason by proclaiming that President Biden was corrupt, a tool of China (without explaining how) and that the Biden family is a criminal enterprise. These slobs offer no proof, parrot Fox News and clearly are confusing Biden with Trump. I guess when each man had the same amount of letters in their name, well it challenges you.

Mid-Day Mussolini Cordaro started ranting and raving about how the Democrats said COVID was fake. Minutes later ABC News nationally reported on the 970. 000 people who DIED of COVID. The MDM has turned out to be the biggest cry baby. His act is getting old because it’s the same old thing.

The MDM then ranted against drop boxes to make it easier for elderly, disabled and yes even the mental defectives that make up his callers easier to cast their ballots. He never tells you it was his sainted GOP that came up with the idea of mail in voting.

The Afternoon Buffoon goes fishing for sound bites and then turns them into an “I hate Biden” rant. This from a former Democrat who sucked at the teat of the Democratic Party when it suited him. Voters saw through hi fake Christianity and threw him out. Again these are my opinions on these public figures that many regular thinking people only tune in for a short time.


So we’re back and will be calling out ignorance and disinformation as we live in time when cooler heads and logic, not petty hatred or grand standing are not helpful.   

With your good wishes and another replacement part, we’re back.


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