Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The LuLac Edition #4,705, March 29th, 2022



Our “Maybe I’m Amazed” logo.


MAYBE I’M AMAZED…….that I was up and out of the hospital the day after my right knee replacement. Years before people were kept in sick bay for at least three days. Now you’re moving, up and out.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that the term Knee Replacement is a misnomer. Replacement, at least to to me meant an entire hollowing out of the knee. Actually, the surgeon removes the damaged cartilage and a small amount of underlying bone at the upper ends of the shinbone (tibia) and the lower end of the thigh bone (femur). Then, metal implants are inserted to replace the parts of the bone that were removed. A plastic spacer is inserted between the metal components to help ensure the surfaces smoothly glide together. Finally, the surgeon resurfaces the underside of the knee cap, also called the patella.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…….that knee replacement is one of the most successful orthopedic surgeries performed today. Most patients experience reduced or eliminated knee pain, increased ability to move and an overall improvement in quality of life. I had a bum knee for years but tolerated it because there was no pain. However in December the pain became excruciating and I knew it was time.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that over more than 600,000 knee replacement surgeries are performed each year in the US.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…….that total knee replacement surgery is considered a low-risk procedure. There are still certain risks involved, including complications from surgical anesthesia, blood clots and infections. Adverse reactions to anesthesia include irregular heartbeats, nerve injuries and stomach problems.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED……that infections are considered rare with knee replacement surgery. In most cases, healthcare providers prescribe antibiotics before and after the surgery to prevent infection. If a major infection occurs, another surgery may be necessary. Additional risks include implant failure, ongoing knee pain, and injury to the surrounding muscles and blood vessels.

MAYBE I’M AMAZED…..that LuLac land has a very high population of people with knee replacements.

MAYBE I'M AMAZED.......that staples from the knee surgery are smaller than I ever imagined. 

MAYBE I’M AMAZED….that the recovery time varies. Healing and recovering from knee replacement surgery is a gradual process. During the first 6 weeks, rapid healing takes place. A full recovery can take 6 months to 1 year or longer. After surgery, efforts are devoted to controlling post-surgical pain, establishing good range of motion, and increasing muscle strength. Once fully recovered, a person  typically has less knee pain and better knee function.

MAYBE I'M AMAZED.....that they gave me Oxy for the pain. I took three pills and that was it. People say I'm loopy enough without any help from pharmaceuticals. 


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