Monday, May 13, 2024

The LuLac Edition 5, 109, May 13th, 2024



Our “13 Questions” logo.


1.  Wilkes-Barre city was certainly swinging last week with the Jazz Festival. Weren’t you a Jazz deejay in the past?

Yes on WRKC FM Radio. I did a weekly jazz show on Tuesday afternoon 1 to 4pm. I love big band brass, not a fan of the single encore 22 minute drum solos but like recognizable pieces. My go tos were usually Duke Ellington, Maynard Ferguson and Chuck Mangione. Mrs. LuLac and I went to the Jazz brunch at the Stegmaier Mansion on the 5th. It was well attended and entertaining. Wilkes-Barre will once more cosponsor it next year.


2.  Did you like the movie “Titanic” and is it true there is a market for that ship’s memorabilia?

Never saw any version of the movie. However I do know that a watch belonging to John Jacob Astor IV, a member of the wealthy Astor family and the richest man aboard the Titanic, sold for a record-breaking ($1.485 million) at an auction.  For that price it better keep time and____________  (You fill in the blanks.


3.  What did you think of that free Madonna concert in Brazil?

I thought it was great with 1.5 million of her closest friends attending. That had to be a hell of a sound system. 


4.  Will the Yankees be able to resign Juan Soto after this year?

Maybe. Although you can’t tell much from one month into a season, you have to believe they are pleased with him and his bat, Plus he is a rather exciting player.


5.  Is it true China now has entered the space race with the U.S.?


China launched an uncrewed lunar mission recently that aims to bring back samples from the far side of the moon for the first time. It is seen as a potentially major step forward for the country’s ambitious space program.


6.  Did you see Jerry Seinfeld’s “Unfrosted” and what is your favorite Pop Tarts flavor?

I did not. We don’t have Netflix. My favorite is Cherry Frosted. Untoasted. Have some on hand but I treat it like well, a treat and not a steady part of my diet.


7.  Orange juice or Cranberry for breakfast?

Both If I’m home. Neither if I’m out.


8.  Do you think the Trump trials should be televised?

Absolutely but with a condition that you have a Judge that knows what he or she is doing and can run a tight courtroom. The O.J. trial would have been quite different  if there was a more experienced judge than Lance Ito.


9.  Jimmy Buffett is going into the Rock an Roll Hall of Fame. Should he have gone in sooner?

Yes I think so. His body of work is spectacular and he is one hell of a song story teller.Since our 13 questions edition for May falls on a Monday, his first hit is appropriate to share.


10.              An Achilles tendon operation is a rough one. Will Aaron Rodgers be ready for September with the Jets?

I agree it is tough. I hope I never have to go through that! My answer to will he be ready is a qualified yes. News reports say he can be ready by May when Organized Training Activities occur. There appears to be no restrictions but in reality who knows unless he is tested. 


11.              What are your thoughts on Columbia Law Students who want their exams cancelled and want to be passed automatically because they are “shaken up?”

Dazed and confused is what I’d say. What a bunch of pansies. With all due respect to the legal profession locally and nationally, there are enough dolts, lazy and lawyers who won’t return a phone out there without bringing these whiny slugs on board. I mean how did returning veterans who faced battle in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf Wars come back and get law degrees after getting fired on? Give me…………….and the legal profession as it strands right now a break.


12.              What do you say to those young people who are cool to President Biden and are not willing to support him because of the Gaza situation?

First…..learn some history. Israel was attacked first. Hamas is the enemy of the Gaza civilians not the United States or Israel. Weigh your options. Vote for a guy who is getting you student loan forgiveness, reproductive freedoms and looking toward the future, a person who has no interest at all except being a totalitarian leader o a third party candidate who will make you feel good for the moment but might led to a regrettable Trump rerun. Put your big boy and girl pants on and think about all of that. 


13.              Thoughts on Sue Henry’s return to WILK, Nikki Stone’s leaving and how Sue will deal with the ignorant riff raff that makes up a large portion of the WILK audience?


A few takeaways. Every talk show has a shelf life and Nikki Stone’s time had expired. She did a great deal of local stuff promoting agencies and institutions on her show. It was the perfect balance to the screaming former Democratic turned screaming ex lawyer with jealous anti Biden tendencies (the late morning Mussolini sans balcony) and the afternoon guy who in a promo stated that as a New York detective he felt that January 6th was not a full scale riot), In news Stone was not terribly nuanced and that was a shortcoming.

Sue will be fine and a good counter balance to the bookends of the morning ton of envy and the boy from New York city. She will have her hands full though. I’m confident she will still hold to her GOP beliefs but at least push back on ignorant slobs who call. A perfect example is a guy named Joe who took issue with her for saying the Trump gag order was correct because in a courtroom and in a high profile trial a Judge has the power to enforce it., This knuckle dragger brought up the wrong D.A. from the wrong state and the wrong courtroom to genuflect in front of his lord and savior Diaper Don. The vitriol and abject stupidity of  some listeners will be a challenge for her but I’m confident she can handle herself in the sea of Trumpanzees who are trapped in a cage of laziness and cult like behavior. She is competent and knows the world which might make for an exasperating experience for her. But she will do okay.


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