Thursday, June 13, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 125, June 13th, 2024



Our 13 Questions logo

1.       How do you feel about your two teams, The Guardians and Pirates playing so well this season?

As always with The Guardians (aka recently as Indians) I’m always cautiously optimistic. I want to take that slow. The Pirates are surprising me with their arm strength and the pitching staff. They have pitchers that seem to never have heard of a curve ball and are throwing over 100 mph. It looks like a good year for both. 


2.       D-Day observances. Thoughts on the 75th anniversary vs. this year.

Well this year President Biden brought American pride and grace back to Normandy. It was in stark contrast to the pig President Trump’s behavior, cowardly acts and downright insults to the fallen dead. I can’t imagine any veteran voting for Trump. Biden for all his acts is a class act. 


3.       Are you getting geared up for the 2024 Farmer’s Market?

Yep. Looking forward to it. It is a summertime tradition in Wilkes-Barre and I’m glad to be part of it.


4.       That bridge in Gaza to provide food for the hungry, did they ever fix that?

Yes, it was finished last Friday and reattached to the beach. 


5.       Favorite summertime vegetable and fruit?

Dark plums and sweet corn. Year round, watermelon and Brussels sprouts.


6.       Did you see Dr. Phil’s interview with Trump?

I did not but read the transcript. Dr. Phil implied that Trump had too much to do and revenge was wasting his time. It was a perfect segue to get off that tired victim shit Trump pulls. But instead he said that sometimes revenge is justified. This is a perfect display of Trump’s mental illness and paranoia. All the bad things that have happened to him happened because he did them to himself. This lack of self-control as well as out and out thuggery is just who he is.


7.       In three words or less, can you give a layman’s diagnosis of President 45 and President 46’s psyche?

45: Trump: "He’s ++++ing nuts"

46:  Biden: “A decent man”.


8.       Who is the worst Congressman from Pennsylvania? Meuser?

 Naw. Dan is just ambitious acting like a Trumpanzee. It doesn’t excuse his behavior. The most dangerous one is Scott Perry, the treasonous veteran insurrectionist. This guy was planning and abetting a coup and why he hasn’t been arrested yet is beyond me. And you know the funny thing? Trump has said nary a word about the “help” Perry has provided in public. Perry is a bad man masquerading  as a patriot. No, Meuser is a piker compared to Perry who is a “puker”.


9.       Have you been accused of having Trump Derangement Syndrome?


Oh yeah but the people who do it usually fall into four categories.

a.        They heard it from someone else.

b.        They don’t have the facts to argue intelligently so they accuse me of it when they are called out.

c.        The meme posters don’t have an original thought.

d.        I only argue the facts at what a slime ball Trump is, they are in a cult syndrome not me.


10. Did you ever get through that big ass 3 ½ pound can of peanuts you had at work? And did you share?

Almost…….and no.


11. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the ’64 Phillies. Are you observing it?

Yes. I joined a Phillies ’64 Facebook page and found some old photos photographer Ned Rowan took of me in 1984 at the 20th reunion of those Phils. 

Chris Short 

Art Mahaffey
Johnny Callison

Cookie Rojas and Tony Gonzalez

 12. Will Tim Scott be named Trump’s veep?

Yeah in his dreams. There is no way in hell Trump or any Republican will put a person of color on the top tier of their ticket. Scott doesn’t realize to the Trump wing of the party he’s just one of the help. 


13.  Rick Scott’s criticism of President Biden’s D-Day speech at Point Du Hoc?

This is what Scott said. “This should not be a political event. This should be a commemoration that people that put their lives on the line. ... There shouldn’t be anything political in this at all today. It’s really disgusting what Biden has done.”

Accusation is confession Rickie boot licker! For the record, the incumbent president didn’t mention his predecessor. Biden also didn’t reference Republicans or any political party.

 Rather, the Democrat emphasized a variety of core principles, including the idea that democracy is worth fighting for.

 “In memory of those who fought here, died here, literally saved the world here, let us be worthy of their sacrifice,” Biden said. “Let us be the generation that when history is written about our time — in 10, 20, 30, 50, 80 years from now — it will be said: When the moment came, we met the moment. We stood strong. Our alliances were made stronger. And we saved democracy in our time as well.”

All Biden was doing was this: telling the truth. And these MAGA unpatriotic fools are just trying to hang on to something because THEY HAVE NOTHING!

Remrmber, the Trump administration along with the Trumpanzees screwed the pooch on NATO, they laughed at the fat pig to his face and they know it. So they resort to attacks on logic and decency.


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