Monday, September 02, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 162, Se;ptember 2nd, 2024



It was 10am, September 2nd 1974 that The Radio Home Visitor went on the air via WRKC FM, 88.5. The station, operated by King's College students embarked on a decades long odyssey that has been a constant for those visually impaired or even for those who just wanted to hear the local newspaper read by friendly voices. 
This innovative program was started by the late Tom Carten who was first a Brother and then a Catholic priest at King's College. Father Carten (when he wasn't behind the microphone)  was a Holy Cross Fathers priest who said Mass locally in area churches.
Later this morning at 10am, you'll hear the anniversary broadcast. I was honored to talk about those early days with my good friends Pat Fadden and Sue Henry who continued the program after Father Carten went to Notre Dame where he spent his retirement. He died on Christmas Day 2030.
It has been 50 years and as of this date, this program has been on the air consistently for 18,751 calendar days. 


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