Friday, September 13, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 169, September 13th, 2024



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1.    Why isn’t Donald Trump arrested for threatening federal and state officials? That’s a crime isn’t it?

I agree. If you or I did tat we’d be in the slammer, and they’d throw away the key. It really is sad that no one has the balls to do that.


2.    What do you think of the new FM 92.1 in Wilkes-Barre?


I like it very much. It’s a good mix of music that spans at least 4 and ½ decades. I’m told my former boss at Rock 107 and current one too, Jim Loftus had a lot to do with the announcers accompanying the music.


3.    What did you think of the venue for the Harris rally coming up later this evening?


I think it will be packed, cheek to jowl with standing room only being the norm.

4.    Why is the Casey/ McCrmick race all of a sudden be tied?

Well we are a state tat rarely has two Senators of the same party. That changed in 2022 when John Fettermnan joined Bob Casey in that job. The Republicans will vote lockstep for the GOP candidate so Democratic turnout will be the key. Casey has brought in tons of federal project to the state and he needs to run up big margins in the heavily Democratic areas of the state. The upside is those voters are fired up for Haris, the downside is ever since the Rump era experience, wisdom and class are not qualities people like or apparently want in a United States Senator.

5.    Who s Art Hayward and why is he speaking at the NAACP Dinner this year?


The Freedom Fund banquet is Saturday October 12th at Mohegan Sun.   Haywood, inspired by the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, ran for a seat on the Board of Commissioners of Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania. He would serve for five years on the board, serving as president of the board for two years. In 2014, Haywood defeated incumbent Pennsylvania State Senator LeAnna Washington, who was indicted for misuse of office, as a Democratic primary challenger.  He then won in the general election to represent the 4th district. Haywood was re-elected in 2018 and 2022.

Haywood grew up in Toledo, Ohio, the son of Arthur and Virginia Haywood. His mother, Virginia, was a public-school teacher and education activist.


Haywood graduated from Rogers High School in 1975.He graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Morehouse College in 1979. A Marshall scholar, Haywood earned a Master of Science degree from London School of Economics. Haywood earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School in 1985.


6.    What did you think of Dick Cheney endorsing Harris?

I violently disagreed with him on many issues, but I have to give him the props for putting the nation over his political party. I wish his old boss W number 43 had the guts to do the same.

7.    Will there be a Guardians/Yankee playoff series for the American League championship?


Too early to tell but I’m hoping the Cleveland team does well.


8.    It’s going to befall. Apple season. Favorites?

Honeycrisp and Granny Smith.

9.    What did you think of 47 Attorney Generals asking for a warning label on Social Media?

It will increase awareness but will do little to change America.

10.  The 25th anniversary is coming up of the Arena, any thoughts?

It was a struggle because of the ignorance of people who almost derailed it. The late Ted Williams of WILK (I refuse to give his first name any dignity or credibility) spouted fear and hate. I still stand by my first statement back then, before LuLac being that the arena should be named after the late Robert Casey who was a supporter when he was Governor and a statue to then Representative Kevin Blaum who shepherded this effort with his backside  facing Wilkes-Barre Township (who disagreed with it completely but now benefit from it) so they could kiss his ass.


11.  Did a bat really fly over Debbie Dunleavy’s head when she was on the air on the old WOU TV?

No, actually it was after the broadcast.


12.  Most annoying cable TV host?


Oh God, almost everyone on Fox and Rachael Maddow. Some days it takes her forever to get to the point.


13.  T’s been a while…..can I please have a little B.P.?







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