Thursday, May 16, 2024

The LuLac Edition #5, 112, May 16th, 2024




Trump has plans to radically reshape the federal government if he returns to the White House, from promising to deport millions of immigrants in the U.S. illegally to abolishing government agencies and firing tens of thousands of workers and replacing them with loyalists.

This will be a disruptive thing for all Americans and I guarantee you that the first ones to bitch when their Social Security checks or Medicare is screwed with are those entitled retirees who love and adore him.

Organizations in Washington are backing President Joe Biden and say they expect Trump to lose. But they’re quietly trying to install roadblocks just in case.

A collection of activists, advocates and legal experts is promoting new federal rules to limit presidential power while urging Biden’s White House to do more to protect his accomplishments and limit Trump in a possible second term. All of that is happening with far less fanfare than plans by Trump supporters to create a conservative government-in-waiting via an effort known as “Project 2025.”

The Office of Personnel Management, the federal government’s chief human resources agency, proposed a rule against reclassifying tens of thousands of workers so they can be more easily fired. According to spokesperson Viet Tran, the office will finalize the rule in April. That means that a future administration would likely have to spend months — or even years — unwinding it if they want to try to do so.

Trump “is already telegraphing plays straight out of the authoritarian playbook — gutting the civil service of people he deems disloyal and plotting revenge on his political enemies,” said Kevin Munoz, a spokesman for Biden’s campaign. “There’s one way of stopping Trump’s dangerous and un-American plans: reelecting President Biden.”

Trump at the end of his term sought to reclassify thousands of the more than 2 million federal employees, stripping them of job protections and making them at-will employees under a new classification known as “Schedule F.” Around 4,000 federal employees are now considered political appointees who typically change with each administration. Creating Schedule F could have increased that more than tenfold.

Biden revoked that order but Trump says he’ll revive it should he win. And conservatives preparing thick policy books are strategizing on how to fire employees to make more room for Trump appointees.

Think about it. Trump has hired people who are so anti government, they will only serve themselves and not the people. There will be chaos and no hard rails. No people of experience and knowledge.

Do you really want to put your lives in the hands of employees whose only experience is their loyalty to this pig man child? ( LuLac) 




Joe Biden looked into the camera, looking straight at the loudmouth former so called President now on trial and said, “Make my day”

Barron’s reports that Joe Biden and Donald Trump agreed Wednesday to hold a first presidential debate in June after the Democratic incumbent challenged his rival to "make my day" and the scandal-plagued Republican quickly responded he was ready to "rumble."

CNN announced it will hold the first debate on June  27 in Atlanta, Georgia. Biden proposed a second debate for September and Trump accepted.

Biden, 81, had set out his own terms for the debates with political showman Trump, such as time limits for speakers and having no live audience -- a condition CNN said it had agreed to.

In his first formal debate offer after months of stalling, the Democrat also shunned the traditional calendar proposed by the commission that has run debates since 1988 as he sought to exercise control over the format.

Trump, 77, accepted the dates even as he set out a starkly different vision with a larger venue for "excitement purposes" and accused the Democrat of being afraid of crowds.

"Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn't shown up for a debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal," Biden said in a video on X.

"I'll even do it twice."

Biden also trolled Trump over his ongoing criminal hush money trial in New York, which features a mid-week break, adding: "So let's pick the dates Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays."

CNN said in a statement that the debate would be held at its studios in Atlanta in the "crucial battleground state of Georgia."

"To ensure candidates may maximize the time allotted in the debate, no audience will be present. Moderators for the debate and additional details will be announced at a later date," it said.

Biden's debate offer appeared to show him taking the calculated risk of putting Trump back into American living rooms ahead of November's election, hoping it could reverse the Republican's poll lead in a series of battleground states.

The Biden campaign has increasingly been trying to remind voters of what they say is the true face of the mercurial president who lost in 2020, amid what they fear is Trump "nostalgia" in some quarters -- even as the Republican details his stark vision for an authoritarian second term in various interviews.

For his part, Trump has previously said he would debate his rival "anytime, anywhere" as he seeks to portray Biden as old and incapable of leadership.

After Biden's challenge, Trump -- who avoided any debates with his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination this year -- said he was "ready to Rumble!!!" for the proposed June and September debates.

He described Biden as the "WORST debater I have ever faced" and added: "I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds."

The 2020 debates between the two candidates famously featured Biden saying "will you shut up, man?" when Trump repeatedly talked over him.

This time, the Biden campaign appeared to be leaving nothing to chance.

In a letter to the bipartisan US election debates commission obtained by AFP, campaign chief Jen O'Malley Dillon said they would not take part in its three scheduled debates in September and October.

Instead Biden "plans to participate in debates hosted by news organizations" such as the CNN one, as the current, years-old structure was "out of step" with today's voters.

The debates should feature only the candidates and a moderator, she said, adding that they should not be "entertainment for an in-person audience with raucous or disruptive partisans."

Candidates' microphones should also be kept off when it was outside their allotted time -- a rule the commission was "unable or unwilling to enforce" in 2020, she said.

There was also no place for third candidates, she said, ruling out an appearance by independent challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Crucially, the Biden campaign said that the later debate schedule would miss early voters, who have been crucial for Democratic hopes in recent elections.

I’m sure the Trump ass kissers will find a lot wrong with this proposal but remember these things.

1.    As an incumbent, Biden doesn’t have to debate. Johnson didn’t in 1964, Nixon as a candidate in 1968 and President in 1972 didn’t either.

2.    While I don’t think Biden should do it, not because of any issue on his part but because Trump is a child given to tantrums and abject rudeness. Giving Trump this exposure is like letting a 6-year-old do a eulogy at a funeral.

3.     The debates in the past have been manufactured TV shows for the pleasure of voters. This debate will have no audience which I believe will rob Trump of his bravado and expose him for the intellectual light weight that he is.

The Biden campaign is going big and bold in hopes that the contrasting of a decent man and an evil one will be clearly demonstrated to the American people.(Barron's, LuLac)





Ukraine’s [progress against Russia was stopped just because of gridlock in a reactionary GOP Congress as well as the MAGA movement of Donald Trump. The United States in a critical time left them twisting in the wind.

Aid is coming but the cost of the delay is telling. Russia has gained ground and a few United States Generals have stated it might be too late. The fault is not that of the brave Ukrainian people fighting for freedom but the segment of United States isolationists that are selfish, tone deaf to history and ignorant.

If Ukraine falls, Poland comes next. Putin has another 6 more years to wait us out. Polls also show that a majority of Americans would vote to honor our pledge, as would definite majorities in both the U.A. House and Senate.

 Historians will point out that this pledge honors a century old American tradition, sworn this time by a Democrat, mostly because a Democrat just happened to be president when the challenge arose. That we have allowed it to become a partisan issue and a bargaining chip in a power game that is beside the point, this point at least, shames our whole country.

The only way to ensure that Ukraine has a fighting chance is to get rid of the MAGA loud mouthed minority. We must have a Democratic Congress as well as a Senate.

I guarantee that if the Republicans continue to use Ukraine as a political argument, it will enable Putin.

The blame will be on the REPUBLICAN MAGAS.




Congressman Matt Cartwright (Photo: LuLac archives)

, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08), a member of the Democratic Border Security Task Force, joined 14 House Democrats in calling on President Biden to take executive action to restore order at the Southern border.

In the letter sent Tuesday, the Members urged the President to use all the tools at his disposal, including executive action, to better address security at the Southern border, prohibit the flow of illicit fentanyl from entering the country, and allow for orderly legal immigration efforts.

“It is well past time for both parties to come together and agree on common sense, bipartisan immigration reforms,” wrote the Members. “It has become clear that the current situation remains untenable, but with Republicans playing politics on border security, it is time for your Administration to act.”

As a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee and Ranking Member of the Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee, Cartwright voted to increase funding for Customs and Border Protection in this year’s Homeland Security budget by more than $1 billion.

“This additional funding provides new resources to stop the flow of fentanyl across ports of entry, prioritizes the hiring of thousands of Border Patrol agents, increases overtime funding for agents, and funds improvements for border security technology,” said Cartwright, who voted with Republicans to fund $1.6 billion for border wall construction during the last Administration.

Here's the link to the letter:





Senator Bob Casey (Photo: LuLac archives)


U.S. Senators Bob Casey   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced the Mamas First Act, legislation that directly and meaningfully addresses the maternal mortality crisis by expanding Medicaid to include doula and midwifery care. A House companion bill was also introduced today by Representatives Gwen Moore (D-WI), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Lauren Underwood (D-IL), Alma Adam (D-NC), and Debbie Dingell (D-NC).

“Every mother deserves support and care before, during, and after birth,” said Senator Bob Casey (D-PA). “This legislation will help address the maternal health crisis in this country by ensuring that Medicaid covers the full spectrum of care that mothers and infants need.”

“The United States has a terrible track record when it comes to maternal mortality, and it’s costing women their lives,” said Senator Warren (D-MA). “Now is the time to use all available tools to combat the maternal health crisis, including by expanding Medicaid to cover access to doulas, midwives, and tribal midwives. The Mama’s First Act will take care of our mommas and babies, and will help us root out the deep disparities and systemic racism in our health care system.”

“Expanding Medicaid to include doula and midwifery care is imperative to combating the maternal mortality crisis disproportionately impacting Black and indigenous mothers,” said Senator Booker (D-NJ). “Doula-assisted mothers are less likely to experience complications at birth, and midwife-led care is associated with healthier outcomes for mothers and their babies. All mothers deserve support and care throughout their pregnancy and postpartum journeys, and this legislation is a critical step toward ensuring more equitable access to quality maternal health care.”

“America’s ongoing maternal health crisis magnifies the need for federal interventions that can save lives. The Mamas First Act is an important effort because it will expand access to providers who can offer emotional and physical support during and after the birthing process – comprehensive beyond the hospital setting where nearly all U.S. births occur. Our legislation is an opportunity to empower more mothers with doulas and midwives – perinatal professionals who advocate for a mother’s needs. I am thrilled to join my amazing House and Senate maternal health champions in re-introducing this vital legislation,” said Congresswoman Gwen Moore.

“As we’re seeing today at the state level in North Carolina, Medicaid expansion continues to improve outcomes for mothers, babies, and all Americans,” said Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D., co-founder and co-chair of the Black Maternal Health Caucus. “That’s why I’m proud to support the reintroduction of Congresswoman Moore’s Mamas First Act. Maternal mortality remains significantly higher in the United States than in other comparable countries, especially for Black mothers. This legislation addresses the maternal mortality crisis by expanding Medicaid to include doula and midwifery care, because having trusted partners in the birthing process saves lives. Mothers are less than half of the population, but we give birth to 100% of it - Congress needs to put Mamas First because our Mamas can’t wait.”

America is facing a maternal mortality crisis, with the highest maternal mortality rate among similar nations. According to a study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), maternal mortality rates have doubled between the years of 1999 and 2019 while decreasing in other similar nations. Black and Native mothers have maternal mortality rates that are two to three times the rate of white mothers. There is also a lack of access to maternity health care providers in communities across the country, also called maternity care deserts, impacting nearly 7 million women and nearly 500,000 births nationwide.

The Mamas First Act amends the Social Security Act to allow doulas, midwives, and tribal midwives to be reimbursed by Medicaid.

Allowing Medicaid reimbursement for doula care and midwife access would significantly improve health outcomes for mothers and babies.

This legislation would improve access to care before, during, and after pregnancy to under-served and under-resourced communities as both doulas and midwives have been proven to reduce the rates of C-sections, decrease maternal anxiety, and improve communication between pregnant women and their health care providers.

Expanding access to these health care professionals will allow all communities to access these critical services, increase the focus on culturally competency, and patient-centered care while improving  health outcomes.

Senator Casey has a long record of leading the fight for maternal health. Casey spent more than a decade fighting to pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The law was finally passed into law in 2022, and went into effect in the summer of 2023. In 2023, he secured almost $1 million in federal funding for a pilot workforce development program in Delaware County to train perinatal community health care workers and doulas to slash racial disparities in maternal and infant health outcomes.





Governor Josh Shapiro (Photo: LuLac archives)

Governor Josh Shapiro signed Executive Order 2024-01, establishing the Hire, Improve, Recruit, Empower (HIRE) Committee to expand opportunity for Pennsylvanians seeking a career in public service, continue to build a more competitive Commonwealth workforce, and make state government the best place to work in the Commonwealth.

 The Governor signed the Executive Order during the Commonwealth Job Fair, where over 40 state agencies set up recruitment tables with information on about 580 open Commonwealth positions for over 500 Pennsylvanians in attendance to learn more about exciting career opportunities in public service.

“Public service is a noble profession – and I am proud to serve alongside 80,000 Commonwealth employees who go to work every day to help their communities. Since my first day in office, we’ve worked to break down barriers and create real opportunities for Pennsylvanians who want to work in state government – but we have to do more to remain competitive in a challenging labor market and set an example for the private sector,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “The Executive Order I am signing today will ensure the Commonwealth is a competitive, attractive, and fulfilling place to work – and we have a workforce that is representative of Pennsylvania as a whole and accessible to our residents. Whether you’ve just graduated at a recent commencement and you’re starting a new career or have been in the workforce for a while now – we want you to build your career with the Commonwealth.”

Since the start of his Administration, Governor Shapiro has created real opportunity for hardworking Pennsylvanians to obtain good-paying jobs. On his first full day in office, Governor Shapiro announced that 92 percent of state government jobs – about 65,000 positions – do not require a four-year college degree and instructed all state agencies under his jurisdiction to emphasize work experience in their hiring rather than arbitrary requirements – ensuring that every career path is treated with the same level of respect, regardless of whether or not it requires a college degree.

This Executive Order builds on the track record and will open more doors of opportunity for Commonwealth employees while ensuring we have a skilled, robust workforce for decades to come. Approximately 24 percent of the Commonwealth’s workforce is eligible for retirement in next 5 years in agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction – and the HIRE Committee will work to ensure the Commonwealth can make progress on attracting the next generation of public servants, compete with other employers in a competitive labor market, recruit and hire for historically hard to fill jobs, and ensure the Commonwealth’s workforce is representative of the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of Pennsylvania’s residents.

Chaired by Secretary of Administration Neil Weaver and comprised of Cabinet secretaries and senior Administration officials, and the HIRE Committee will help to strengthen the Commonwealth’s recruitment, hiring, development, and retention of high-performing employees by attracting younger generations, hiring for historically hard-to-fill jobs, and ensuring our workforce represents our residents.

“We need to do everything we can right now to attract the best and brightest to public service to lead our Commonwealth into the future. We want to hire Pennsylvanians from all backgrounds, beliefs, and walks of life, so that our workforce continues to represent our 13 million residents,” said Secretary of Administration Neil Weaver. “Through today’s Executive Order to create the HIRE Committee and our ongoing efforts around recruitment and hiring, we are positioning the Commonwealth to be a model employer and a destination for employees who want to make a difference through their work.”

To build a competitive workforce and become a model for other states and the private sector, the HIRE Committee will work with the Office of Administration (OA) and other Commonwealth agencies to:

Develop a pilot program to create financial incentives to help recruit Commonwealth employees with non-English language proficiency for key roles where language proficiency is needed.

Continuously build creative recruitment strategies for the Commonwealth’s most hard to fill jobs.

Develop a mentorship and networking program to support recently discharged veterans entering or returning to Commonwealth employment.

Collaborate with the PA Reentry Council to promote pathways to employment in state government for recently incarcerated Pennsylvanians who are returning to our communities as productive citizens.

Create an inclusive workplace in state-owned buildings by directing an accessibility study of the Harrisburg Capitol Complex to improve mobility in and around the Capitol Complex for individuals with disabilities.

Expand childcare options in state-owned buildings to support working parents.

Expand the availability of free menstrual products in Commonwealth-owned restrooms.

Continue efforts working with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to widen pathways to Commonwealth employment for individuals with disabilities.

Provide employees with notice that they may use allotted sick leave to prioritize their mental health.

This Executive Order will also open new doors of opportunity for Pennsylvanians by affirming that the Commonwealth can hire non-United States citizens if they are legally authorized to work in the United States, orders OA to develop strategies to enhance state agencies’ language access plans, and increase digital accessibility efforts.

Seven percent of Pennsylvania residents are foreign-born and 12 percent speak a language other than English – and by continuing to strengthen the Commonwealth’s recruitment, hiring, and development of employees, the Commonwealth will serve as a model employer and will better meet the rapidly evolving needs of Pennsylvanians.

“With this Executive Order, the Shapiro Administration is letting Pennsylvanians know that our doors are open to everyone,” said Norman Bristol Colón, Commonwealth Chief Diversity Officer. “It’s important that Pennsylvanians see themselves reflected in their state government – and the HIRE Committee’s efforts will help the Commonwealth strengthen our workforce by making jobs more accessible, meaningful, and representative to help deliver better services for everyone.”

 AFSCME Council 13 Administrator Mike Sukal and SEIU Local 668 President Steve Catanese joined the Governor for today’s Executive Order signing. Together, AFSCME and SEIU Local 668 represent more than 36,000 Commonwealth employees. 

“AFSCME is proud to partner with the Commonwealth on these efforts,” said Mike Sukal, AFSCME Council 13 Administrator. “They fall directly in line with our members’ goals in the last set of contract negotiations, as well as AFSCME’s Staff the Front Lines initiative to boost recruitment and retention in public service jobs.”

“We’re excited to partner with the Governor in making Commonwealth worksites more inclusive and welcoming for new and existing staff,” said Steve Catanese, President of SEIU Local 668. “If we want to provide the best services for the citizens of Pennsylvania, it’s vital we incentivize recruiting and retaining highly qualified staff. We look forward to working with Governor Shapiro and our partners in organized labor to make these initiatives a reality.”

The Governor was also joined by OA employee Neisser Ribera, an Information Technology Help Desk Apprentice who was recently recruited to work for the Commonwealth from Dauphin County Technical School.

“I believe the Commonwealth is a place where you can build yourself up to be the person you have always wanted to be,” said Neisser Ribera, Commonwealth employee. “It has given me a path to a career that fulfills my lifelong goals to work with technology and help others.”

The Shapiro Administration has expanded opportunities to those who want a career in public service – whether they are a recent college graduate or have years of relevant experience outside of the classroom. Since taking office, the Shapiro Administration has expanded opportunities for workers and invested in employees who serve our Commonwealth by:

Removed the college credit requirement for Pennsylvanians who want to serve as state troopers.

Expanded paid parental leave to up to eight weeks following a qualifying birth, adoption, for foster care placement, an increase from the previous six weeks offered.

Enhanced work-life benefits by expanding support services offered through the Commonwealth’s State Employee Assistance Program (SEAP) to support a healthy work-life balance for Commonwealth employees.

Invested in mental health and educational resources for our employees and their families.

Expanded internship, fellowship, and apprenticeship programs to bring more people into state government to create new pipelines for talent.

The Commonwealth is one of the largest employers in Pennsylvanian – and in September 2023, the Commonwealth was ranked among the top employers in Pennsylvania by workers in a survey conducted by Forbes and was ranked among the top employers in the nation by college graduates in July 2023.

Pennsylvanians interested in a career in public service with the Commonwealth can easily search among the thousands of open positions that don’t require a four-year degree on OA’s website.

Pennsylvanians can also explore internships, fellowships, apprenticeships, and other open opportunities and careers in state government on OA’s ‘Launch Your Career’ webpage.




Sue Henry has returned to the airwaves and brings her own style and institutional knowledge back to the airwaves. Her new radio promo ensures her success.

She’s accomplish something no radio host has done since she was last on the air. She’ll disappoint everybody.

Those on the left will see her as a pessimist, not a realist trying to block progress. Those on the far right will vilify her because she has distanced herself from the traitorous MAGA philosophy that some WILK listeners hold dear.

She will make everybody a little angry but more importantly make sane people think. Henry will bring back true professionalism to the station. I mean the bar is pretty low anyway with the Late Morning Mussolini (sans balcony) and the other afternoon amateur but her skills will be not only noticeable but welcomed.



The new owners of the Scranton Times are really screwing             up  when it comes to endearing themselves to Northeastern Pennsylvania. This is what happens when out of town jaspers run a heritage operation. Let me count the ways.

1.  The new owners are letting the printing plant in northern Lackawanna county idle. They used to say that in the coal mining days. Instead they are using a facility in Harrisburg to print the paper.

2.  Ever notice that when there is a nightly government meeting on a Thursday it’s not in the paper until Sunday? Well that happens when you used to have people working in a newsroom at night.

3.  At one time the Citizens’ Voice had contributing reporters who used to do long stories perfect for Sunday reading. Two writers Mark Khan and  Paul Golias come to mind. Now feature stories come from the AP from writers we never heard of in places we’ve never been.

4.   Ad revenue is carelessly thrown away. One of the most prized accounts of advertising sales people is the Sure Save food account. Every Sunday Sure Save puts a flyer in the newspaper. It’s online but people over 65 who aren’t computer savvy shop to the tune of that flyer. For whatever reason the flyer is not included consistently in the Wilkes Barre paper. The people who pack the paper are the carriers. But my guess is that they can’t pack something with nothing.

5.   But the biggest flop was the exclusion of paid for photos of moms on Mother’s Day. Since we receive the Citizens’ Voice it appears that we either didn’t get the supplement or Wilkes-Barre families weren’t able to participate. The ads generally cost $40 to $50,00 and feature a photo of a mom and kids. In  years past I counted 6 sections.  This year the Times Shamrock took the mom’s money but forgot to put in the messages. To screw with the mom’s day edition was a careless blunder that only an outside management team can make. 

The company said they’d give the excluded people refunds but one wonders if they’ll return next year.


The aforementioned are all legitimate complaints. In the Lynott era you could call Circulation if you paper was late. You could complain to an editor about a story you didn’t like. You could give your opinion on a sports column.

Don’t get me wrong. You can still complain about an issue and you’ll get a very polite person…….in THE PHILIPPINES.




I walked into WVIA FM on May 29th 1973. It was two weeks after George Graham launched the weekly Mixed Bag. As I was learning the ropes, the big excitement among the young folks was “Mixed Bag”. When Graham did his taped segments, he’d usually have an audience watching him work his magic.

In 1974 the show went daily. That was the year of Watergate and I did the nighty newscast on “Mixed Bag”. We were after all Public Radio. Working with Graham was one if the best experiences of my life. Here’s what the WVIA Newsletter reported on his 50trh anniversary of Mixed Bag.


Pittston, PA- WVIA’s longest running radio program, Mixed Bag, reaches a monumental milestone today, Monday, May 13th, celebrating 50 years of daily broadcasts. The program, a favorite among listeners in the region for its eclectic mix of music and conversation, has been a constant companion for generations.

Mixed Bag first graced the airwaves in 1973 with WVIA-FM co-founder George Graham at the helm. Graham, a charismatic and knowledgeable host, quickly established himself as a pillar of the local radio scene. He was program director at WDBS, Duke University's college radio station, when the concept of "underground radio" was taking shape with eclectic music that was not on commercial radio, with its emphasis on short singles. When George came to WVIA, he advocated for trying the eclectic album-oriented radio format to Public Radio, as an alternative to commercial radio.

Mixed Bag started as a weekly 90-minute show shortly after WVIA-FM signed on in April 1973. As of 2024, Graham has broadcast roughly 13,045 episodes of Mixed Bag.

In May of 1974, the station's programming was revised from a series of once-a-week shows to daily programs, with classical music during the day, and Mixed Bag from 7:30-10 PM Monday through Friday. At first, the program also included jazz, but All That Jazz, also hosted by George Graham, was launched as a separate program in 1976.

Graham also advocated for presenting regional musical talent on the station, and Homegrown Music with regional artist performances became part of Mixed Bag in 1976. In 1982, the Homegrown Music live concert series with live studio audiences was launched, with several concerts each year.

“WVIA extends its heartfelt gratitude to George Graham and the countless listeners who have made Mixed Bag such a resounding success for the past 50 years,” said WVIA’s Chief Content Officer, Ben Payavis II. “The program’s enduring legacy is a testament to the power of music and conversation to connect communities and foster a sense of belonging.”

The program features a wide range of musical styles not available elsewhere (including on many Public Radio stations), including eclectic rock, folk, blues, world music, new age, reggae, bluegrass and electronic music.

Other features include the segments devoted to new releases, the weekly album review, the Venerable Music set, and genre-specific mixes. For over 40 years, Mixed Bag featured a wide-ranging request segment on Friday nights, but that was discontinued with the cutbacks in local programming hours instituted in 2023. George Graham was selected as the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters Radio Broadcaster of the year for 2023.

About WVIA

WVIA is the PBS and NPR affiliate serving over 22 counties in northeastern and central Pennsylvania. For over 50 years WVIA has been committed to serving the people by offering informational, educational, and entertaining content that enriches and expands viewpoints and serves as a catalyst for positive change. WVIA television channels include WVIA TV, WVIA PBS Kids 24/7, and WVIA Create. WVIA’s radio channels include WVIA Radio, WVIA HD2, and the Chiaroscuro Channel. WVIA’s programs can also be found streaming live and on-demand on and the WVIA app.



George Stephanopoulos, the legendary political news host and former advisor to President Clinton, recounts the history-making crises from the place where twelve presidents made their highest-pressure decisions: the White House Situation Room.

No room better defines American power and its role in the world than the White House Situation Room. And yet, none is more shrouded in secrecy and mystery. Created under President Kennedy, the Sit Room has been the epicenter of crisis management for presidents for more than six decades.

Every President since the Kennedy administration has used this room. All except for one: you guess ed it, Donald Trump. 

Check out what MSNBC had to say with George about his book.




You'll hear the program Sunday at 6 on 94.3 The Talker; 6:30 on 1400 am The Mothership and 7:30 am on 105 The River.




Here's the link: News – The Outlaw Steve Corbett (



Tune in every week to the Home of Rock and Roll for a jam packed, unpredictable hour starting at 9am Sundays. Host Edd Raineri gives you facts and great music from the immortal Fab Four on ROCK 107. 




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180m out-of-court settlement reached in Agent Orange suit… Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey's stage adaptation of her 1978 novel "A Woman of Independent Means", starring Barbara Rush, closes at Biltmore Theatre, NYC, after 13 performances……at the  19th Academy of Country Music Awards: Alabama, Lee Greenwood, and Janie Fricke win…. MLB Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Steve Carlton hits a grand slam homer off Fernando Valenzuela, in 7-2 win against Dodgers, in Los Angeles……Cincinnati Reds Mario Soto throws 4 strikeouts in one inning……Marvin Creamer becomes 1st known person to sail around the world without navigational instruments, arriving back in Cape May, New Jersey, after 513 days……Boston's Roger Clemens beats Twins, 5-4, for his 1st victory….."Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", 2nd in the film series, directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Harrison Ford, and produced by George Lucas' Lucosfilms premieres…..37th Cannes Film Festival: "Paris, Texas" directed by Wim Wenders wins the Palme d'Or, starring Harry Dean Stanton and Nastassja Kinski…..and this week the number one song in LuLac land and Amerca was “To All the Girls I Loved Before” by Julio Igleslas and Willie Nelson.


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