The LuLac Edition #494, June 10th, 2008

As many of you have ascertained from this site, I am a person who believes there should be a historical record of the events of our time. That's why I was thrilled yesterday to see on C-SPAN Representative Dennis Kucinich defying his party leaders (yes Democrats, those same Democrats who wanted to have a "peaceful, non confrontation" convention in 2004 so as now to ofend those who mildly respected Mr. Bush) and standing alone in the well of the House calling for impeachment articles against the current administration. He called for the impeachment of President George Bush for launching the Iraq war -- but his move was not expected to go anywhere. The Ohio representative outlined his intention to propose more than two dozen charges against Bush on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Kucinich, a former presidential candidate, accused Bush executing a "calculated and wide-ranging strategy" to deceive citizens and Congress into believing that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States. It's an irony that the shortest guy in all of Washington, D.C. has the biggest "set" when it comes to telling the truth about the Iraq War and making someone accountable. But I guess sending 4,000 of our best and brightest off to war is nothing compared to lying about a little hottie so your wife wouldn't find out! See, no matter is the resolution goes anywhere, there is now a historical record of it...from someone!
In his tenure as Governor, Ed Rendell has manipulated the State Legislature like no one's business. Guess what? They bit back. Senate Republicans remain convinced that no law compels Gov. Ed Rendell to furlough as many as 25,000 state employees in the event that a budget impasse goes beyond June 30. Following a more than two-hour hearing held by Senate State Government Committee today, Sen. Jeffery Piccola, R-Dauphin County, who chairs the committee, said Rendell administration officials "are making a policy decision and the reason for the policy decision is they want to threaten layoffs so it'll be another pressure point for the Legislature to enact something they might not otherwise want to enact." We'll see Governor Ed's response.
At least not in Pennsylvania eating places and bars. Restaurants, most offices and other public places look like they are going smoke-free.
The state Senate today approved a bill prohibiting indoor smoking in public places, with a 41-9 vote. The House passed the legislation last week, so the Senate vote moves the bill to Gov. Ed Rendell. Rendell had indicated last week that he would swiftly sign the bill. The measure would take effect 90 days after Rendell signs it. The measure would allow some exceptions lawmakers had demanded. All but two of Pennsylvania's casinos would allow smoking sections. The Hollywood Casino at Penn National Race Course would maintain a smoking area. Neighborhood bars and some hotel and motel rooms would be reserved for smoking. Lawmakers and public health groups have wrestled over the legislation for more than a year. Some health advocates have complained that there are too many exceptions, but most said the legislation would cut down on the risks of secondhand smoke in many workplaces. The bill allows Philadelphia to retain its own smoking ban, which bars smoking in the city's two casinos. Rendell had said that he would veto any bill that revokes the city's smoking ordinance. Proving once more that Governor Ed looks out for the old hometown.
Tonight's Scranton City Council meeting has been canceled due to a lack of a quorum. Or lack of interest on the part of the elected, high exalted ones!
Right on Yonk!!! There has to be an official grievance somewhere and I'm glad the little guy stepped to the plate while the big sluggers cowered in the background!
Dennis had brass balls when he was the boy mayor of Cleveland in the early seventies. The guy is dead on re Bush and McCain!!! He deserves our respect and thanks. At least he is trying. Not like the Pelosi/Kanjorski passive, lying Dems who promise change for votes and then react negatively to people who actually thought they meant what they said. Dennis may be short, but he could damn sure kick Kanjorski's ass!
I agree 100%. There has to be a record of this time. And even if it's one man making the claim, it is there for history!
Whatever are those people who hang out at the Council meetings gonna do with no one to talk to? Lack of quorum, lack of leadership if you ask me. Who's not to say that with Councils of 5, if a majority don't want to talk about something, they just might not show up!!
McCain doesnt consider a withdrawal
date important because there aint gonna be one! We are still in South Korea after 70 years with little or no change. Hell, we'd still be in Vietnam if those arrogant little bastards hadnt kicked us out of their country! Not only will McCain not get us out of Iraq, he will get us into a mess or two elsewhere. I'm gonna beat this drum over and over, "If you vote against Obama, you are voting for more War!!!" Remember Hillaryites, the Senator other than voting for it, did come to oppose the BushWar as soon as she realized she had been dupped! She too would have, and will work to bring the insanity to a stop in Iraq! It should be our #1 National Priority.
impeach bush cheney is STILL the president..
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